Chapter 9 (The War Begins)

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After letting out a long and loud howl I looked down to see everyone staring at me. Confusion and shock was written on everyone's face. I jumped off the cliff and slowly stalked towards the enemy vampires growling and snarling. "Where the hell did this mutt come from?!" one of the vampires yelled.

"We should of smelled them a mile away!" another yelled. Still slowly stalking towards then I let out some loud growls. "Please it's just one mutt what's the big-" one vampire was yelling but was cut off by Jo leaping on him.

She quickly tore off his head and let out a howl. Crystal, Rose and Amber leaped at a few other vampires killing them immediately. Charging at one I tackled her to the ground and ripped her head off. The others seeming to quickly understand that we're on their side rejoined to fight.

After a few minutes we were able to kill all the vampires. I quickly rejoined my pack and thankfully none of us got hurt. Jo stood in a defensive position as one of the Cullens walked towards us. He held his hands up and gave us a soft smile. Jacob and the others gathered behind me.

"My name is Carlisle and I'd like to thank you for helping me and my family." he said softly. I looked over to see Jacob and the others staring at us. "I've been alive a very long time and this is the first I've met a pack of wolves and couldn't smell them." Carlisle said stepping closer.

Jo let out a small growl to warn him not to come any closer. "Jo there's no need to do that." I thought as I slowly approached Carlisle. I could see his family tensing behind him, ready to strike at any moment.

I rubbed gently against his side as he lightly pet my head. "Wow you're beautiful.." I looked over to see a beautiful women with short brown hair. She gently ran her hand over my forehead "I've never see a wolf with a diamond mark before.." she whispered smiling.

"Ow shit!" one of the boys hissed holding his arm. "Jasper are you hurt? " Carlisle asked running towards him. He had a long gash down his arm, blood leaking down it rapidly. I made my way over to him. They all looked at me confused as I stared at his arm.

"Jasper reach your arm out.." Carlisle whispered staring at me. "What? Are you out of your mind Carlisle?" Jasper hissed. "They clearly aren't our enemy. If anything they are the reason we won and are alive." he said lecturing him.

Jasper slowly stretched out his arm towards me. I carefully started to lick his arm, making sure to cover his whole wound. Everyone stared at me confused as I slowly backed up. Jasper slightly jumped when his arm started to glow and his wound started to slowly heal.

"Fascinating.." Carlisle whispered as he watched the wound completely disappear. "This isn't over!!" someone yelled making us all jump and turn towards it. A male vampire was clutching his injured arm staring at us.

"Don't think you've won yet..this was has only just begun!" he yelled taking off into the woods. "Come girls this is a perfect chance for us to leave." Jo thought letting out a growl. She chased off after the vampire, all of us following close behind.

Rose got to him first quickly ripping off his head and flinging his head and body back towards the clearing. We shifted back to our human forms and aparated back home. "Luna we shouldn't have stayed that long after." Jo said beginning to lecture me.

"Jo they needed our help! We can't keep our secret from them forever, especially our own imprints!" I argued back. She crossed her arms and shook her head at me "It doesn't matter. We don't know the Cullens very well, you shouldn't of helped that Jasper." she said.

My mouth dropped open, Jo has never been like this. "Jo we're all a witch/werewolf hybrid! We're able to heal wounds just by licking them! They are good people, hewas hurt why wouldn't I help him?!" I yelled crossing my arms.

"They're not people Luna..they're leeches." Rose said looking disgusted. "Rose stop..maybe we shouldn't have gotten involved.." Crystal whispered. Amber stood next to me and grabbed my hand "I can't believe you girls, Luna is right!" she yelled making everyone's jaws drop.

Amber is never really one to yell or stand up to Jo. "They needed our help, our imprints were in that fight getting hurt! The Cullens aren't leeches they're kind! How could we just walk away from that fight? I can't believe you girls!" she yelled.

I squeezed her hand back tightly very thankful she's on my side. "I understand girls but don't forget I'm still your guardian!" Jo yelled. I stepped forward and was only inches away from her face.

"That's true you are our guardian Jo and you know I love you..but don't forget who the TRUE alpha is here." I said glaring at her. She let out a small growl before walking away, storming up to her room.

"I'm sorry're right. Our imprints were getting hurt and so were the Cullens. We made the right choice by helping." Crystal said giving each of us a hug before returning to her room. Both of us turned to Rose who was awkwardly scratching her neck "Ok I was wrong one time, sue me!" she yelled running to her room.

Amber and I chuckled, that was the closest thing to an aplogy you'd ever get out of Rose. I pulled her into a tight hug "Thank you so much for having my back." I whispered. We pulled away "Of course..that's what sisters are for." she said smiling.

We said goodnight then went to our rooms. I laid in bed slightly sore from the fight today. "I hope Jacob is ok.." I thought to myself. Seeing his body being thrown against a tree still vivid in my mind.

A light knock at my balcony door made me jump up from my bed. I looked over and saw Jacob standing there waving at me. Rushing to the door I quickly pulled him into my room. "Jacob what are you doing here are you ok?!" I asked scanning him for injuries.

He tilted his head "Yeah I'm ok..I'm so so sorry I missed our date an important family thing came up. I brought you these, I hope you can forgive me.." he said pulling a bouquet of roses from behind his back.

Confusion washed over me "So he's not hurt from the fight..?" I thought staring at him blankly. "Are you mad at me..?" he asked clearly becoming upset. "Get it together Luna he doesn't even know you know about the fight!" I yelled at myself shaking my head.

" no..I'm not mad at you..I was just uh..a little upset honestly. I thought you forgot about me.." I whispered taking the roses and covering up my weird behavior. He let out a sigh and rubbed his arm. "No no of course not I could never forget you. I'm sorry beautiful." he said kissing my forehead.

I placed the roses down and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. "'re here now." I whispered peppering his face with kisses. He chuckled and pulled me into his chest. "Actually there's something that I have to tell you.." he whispered against my hair.

I pulled away and grabbed his hand leading him towards my bed. I sat down and patted the space next to me. He sat down, his hands slightly shaking. "Hey hey its ok." I said kissing his hand.

"I don't want you to hate me or be scared of me.." he said with tears in his eyes. I could feel my heart break looking at his tear filled eyes. I grabbed his face and made him look at me.

"Jacob I couldn't never hate you and I feel safe around you. Take a deep breath and take your time telling me." I said smiling. He nuzzled my hands and took a deep breath "It's actually a pretty long story.." he said trailing off.

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