Chapter 8 (Where Are You?)

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Barely being able to sleep after the day I had with Jacob. Fireworks were exploding in my stomach everytime I thought of the kisses we shared. Laying in bed an hour later still unable to sleep from the excitement.

Slowly creeping out of bed I tip toed downstairs to the living room. Turning on the light I nearly jumped out of my skin seeing everyone else on the couch. "Come to join the can't sleep party?" Rose asked lifting her head off the couch.

I nodded and jumped onto the couch next to Amber. "So are we all down here because we can't sleep after our first dates?" I asked letting out a yawn. Everyone nodded and looked at each other before Crystal let out a shriek "Can we just tell each other how our first dates went?! It's killing me!" she shrieked.

Laughing we all agreed to take turns. Jo and Paul went out to lunch and a walk in the woods. Rose and Quil went to see a horror movie and out to dinner. Amber and Seth had a picnic in the park. Crystal and Embry went into town to do some shopping.

Then I told them about the walk in the woods and the day at the beach Jacob and I shared together. Making teasing jokes and shrieks all throughout everyone's story. "So it sounds like we all had a lovely first date." Jo said putting the pillows back on the couch.

"It also seems like everyone had their first kiss too." Rose said wiggling her eyebrows. Amber and Crystal turned a bright shade of pink just thinking about it. "Are we all seeing them again tomorrow too?" I asked looking around. Everyone nodded and we all started laughing.

"Guess we all have second dates tomorrow too." Amber said smiling. Jo looked at the clock and back to us. "Which means we all should be in bed instead of being awake. No matter how exciting today for all of us was we all have dates again tomorrow. We don't want to be tired for them." Jo said standing up.

"You're right I need to get my beauty sleep! Goodnight!" Crystal yelled before shooting up the stairs. Laughing we all said goodnight and headed to our rooms. Crawling into bed I closed my eyes starting to feel tired from today's events. Slowly drifting off to sleep with dreams filled of Jacob and me.

Feeling sunlight on my face I groaned and turned away from it. Rubbing my eyes and stretching I sat up and looked at the clock "10:00 a.m". "I guess that's what I get for staying up later." I thought to myself jumping in the shower. Quickly looking through my closest I finally picked out.

 Quickly looking through my closest I finally picked out

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"Thinking about it now we never really did pick a time.." I thought to myself. Shrugging and figuring he'll show up around the same time as yesterday. I pulled my hair up in a high pony tail and applied some cherry flavored lip gloss.

Running downstairs I grabbed some strawberries and sliced watermelon. I turned on the t.v and started eating. One by one the girls came downstairs to grab some breakfast and joined me on the couch. Several hours passed by and none of the boys showed up.

"What the hell is taking them so long?! Are they all showering together?!" Rose yelled tugging at her hair. "Rose calm down." Jo said putting her hand on her shoulder. "You girls don't think they forgot about us do you..?" Amber whispered looking down.

"No no of course not they're our imprints.." Crystal said hugging her. "Maybe we should go check on them, something might have happened." I said standing up. "Luna is right, girls mask your scents." Jo said standing up next to me.

Our bodies glowed a bright white and we ran outside to shift. Quickly we sprinted towards the packs house. We hid behind the trees and looked towards the house. Sniffing the air I noticed that their scents had faded from the house.

"Their scents aren't strong here, it's like they've been gone since last night." I thought looking around. "They all must of left right after our dates.." Amber thought whimpering. Crystal pressed her head to Ambers trying to cheer her up.

"They could be in trouble. Let's follow their scents, stay low and keep your scents hidden." Jo thought taking some sniffs. She growled and took off, all of us quickly following her. We passed by the Cullens house and noticed that the boys scents were stronger there.

"Jacob where are you.." I thought whimpering. "Hey..don't worry Luna we'll find them.." Rose thought nudging me. Rose isn't even making jokes or anything..we all seemed pretty worried about them. Following their scents we headed north and ran for about an hour.

"I smell them up ahead but I also smell the Cullens and other vampires so stay low!" Jo thought growling. Creeping along the ground we saw in the clearing the boys shifted into their wolf forms. Beside them were the Cullens and in front of them was about 20 other vampires.

Suddenly they all rushed to each other and started fighting. They were slightly out numbered and getting hurt. Edward was standing back with his arms in front of Bella. Yells and whimpers were heard from the Cullens and the wolves as they were being flung against the trees.

"Jo they're outnumbered! They need our help!" I thought letting out a long growl. The girls agreed and crouched down and let out low growls. "Girls calm yourselves. Our scents our hidden they don't know we're here. We have to use that to our advantage." Jo thought stepping in front of us.

She looked forward and saw a rock cliff just a few meters in front of the fight. "Ok we need someone to go up on that rock and create a diversion. That should distract everyone to give us enough time to attack from behind." Jo thought.

I stepped forward immediately "I'll go." I thought. Jo nodded her head and rubbed the top of my head with hers. "Alright be safe we'll wait for your signal." she thought. Quickly I took off around the clearing making my way towards the cliff.

I could hear the yells and growls coming from the clearing making me run faster. Reaching the cliff I quickly made my way up it, still keeping myself hidden at the top. Looking down I noticed how quickly the boys and Cullens were losing the fight.

The wind started to blow and a certain scent caught my attention to an amber brown wolf. "Jacob!" I thought. A vampire ran towards him from behind and flung him against a tree.

Feeling my blood boil I quickly jumped onto of the cliff standing tall. Looking down at the fight I wasn't noticed yet. Taking a deep breath I let out a long and loud howl.

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