Sander Sides Q&A

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Quick note: Deceit has been accepted by the group. Depression is a new side. But lays in the shadows hope you enjoy.

"Hey everyone! I was wondering if we could do a Q&A but just between us. So more of a game." Thomas says as he looked to his group of friends.
"That would be quite alright," Logan said as he straightened his glasses and adjusted his tie.
"I would love to kiddo," Patton said in a joyful and chipper tone.
"Patton I'm still not your son," Thomas said as he looked to Patton. Which Patton only smiled in response.
"I would be delighted!" Roman said with a dramatic flare.
"Yeah, I'll join," Virgil said as he smiled at the creative sides drama.
"I'll participate, this will be interesting," Deceit said as he looked around the room.
"Alright, who wants to go first?" Thomas asked.
"I would like to ask the first question," Roman said as he looked to Virgil for a mear moment before turning to Thomas.
"Go ahead, Roman," Thomas said with a smile.
"Okay, Virgil?" Roman asked as he turned to Virgil with a questioning stare.
"Yes, Princey?" Virgil answered.
"Why have you been avoiding us?" Roman asked in a serious yet genuinely concerned tone. 'I have to lie if I tell the truth they'll all hate me.' Virgil thought.
"I haven't," Virgil said. Deceits eyes glowed.
"Oh really! What about..."
Virgil was in the dreamscape while everyone else slept. He always came here to fight the nightmares. But this time was different. They were stronger, and the Depression was fighting with them. Virgil attacked the horde of nightmares making sure none got passed, and destroying every trace. After being injured pretty badly he finished the last nightmare.
He was worse for wear and had injuries all over his body but his fight wasn't through yet. He then turned and right, when he did Depression, was about to strike him. Virgil dodged the attack but just barely. After fighting him for an hour Virgil had fought Depression tell he ran off to regain strength. Virgil went to his room to patch himself up. He sews his wounds closed and bandaged up his body.
The next morning everyone was in the kitchen. They all stood on the right side of the island. Normally Virgil would walk right past them not caring. But he didn't want to risk getting a dad hug from Patton and pat on the back from Roman. So he went the other way around the island. Roman was the only one to notice.
The time after that was on movie night usually everyone sat on the couch. But because of what happened he didn't want Roman to accidentally lean on him while singing one of the songs. So he sat on the chair next to the couch. Everyone noticed his avoidance this time.
Another time was on a baking day. They all agreed to do this the week before. Patton was excited. But every time when anyone stepped close to Virgil, he would step back. This hurt Patton but he kept a smile on and kept quiet. Logan was confused but didn't speak. Roman was angry, sad, and confused, but he kept quiet because he didn't wanna upset Logan or Patton but mostly Patton.
*flashback ends*
"What about those times! Huh! You just flat out avoided any contact with us. It was like you thought we would hurt you or something! Do you know how much that hurt us!?" Roman said as he gradually got louder, tears appeared in his eyes.
"I-I..." Virgil couldn't respond he didn't know what to say. Tears rolled down his cheeks.
"Its because you would have," Deceit said, everyone, looked to Deceit with Surprise and Virgil only glared.
"What!?" Everyone other the Deceit and Virgil yelled.
"Virgil tell them." Deceit spoke with a hiss. Virgil only kept quiet.
"Fine." Deceit said as he began walking to Virgil every step he took forward, Virgil took one back. Tell they got a foot from the wall and Virgil had to stop so as to not cause pain to himself. He looked to Deceit in fear, everyone saw it but didn't understand why.
Deceit made his way to Virgil. Deceit grabbed Virgil jacket swiftly and without causing pain to Virgil pulled it off. Once the jacket was off everyone gasped in fear and concern as they saw the blood soaked bandages on Virgil's body.
Patton began to sob and fell to the floor, as Logan walked over to Patton rubbing circles on his back. And shedding tears of his own. Seeing his friend in such a condition cause him pain. Roman and Thomas were In shock. They both began to cry. Roman was the first to speak.
"Who did this to you!?" Roman boiled with anger, for the person who did this to the one he loved. To the person that did this to His Virgil. Virgil didn't speak he only looked to the floor as tears streamed down his face. Roman walked over to Virgil and moved Deceit out of the way.
"Virgil please, we want to help you. I want to help you. But you have to tell me who did this." Roman said in a concerned and loving tone. Virgil looked to Roman. He hugged him, Roman hugged back lightly.
"In the dreamscape, I was fighting nightmares and depression," Virgil said in a whisper as to not upset anyone else. Roman then turned to everyone.
"I'm taking Virgil to my room to rest. It that okay?" Roman stated. Everyone nodded. Roman then turned to Virgil where he gently picked him up bridal style after getting the okay. And making sure Virgil wasn't hurting. Deceit gave Roman Virgil's jacket and Roman gladly took it. He then walked down the hall to his room placed him on the bed and Roman then went and grabbed a new set of bandages. He removed the old ones and replaced them with new and fresh ones. Once he was done he placed the bloody bandages in the garbage. He then walked back to Virgil.
"Jacket or jammies?" Roman asked looking to Virgil.
"Jammies, but keep the jacket close," Virgil replied. Roman then snapped his fingers and both were in a set of Romans pajamas. The shirt was a bit long for Virgil but he liked it. It smelt like Roman.
"You didn't have to do all this for me, Roman..." Virgil was cut off by Roman quickly leaning down and kissing Virgil as he places Virgil's jacket on the nightstand.
Once Roman leaned down to kiss Virgil, Virgil gasped from shock after a few seconds. Roman was about to pull away when to his surprise Virgil kissed back. They kissed for a couple more moments before having to pull away.
"Virgil please never do that again." Roman pleaded.
"Roman I can't I need to protect Thomas, Patton, Logan, and even Deceit. But most importantly you Roman." Virgil said as he smiled and looked to Roman.
"Virgil your important to me to, so I can't see you hurt," Roman said as he pulled Virgil into a light hug, not squeezing him too hard. Roman then laid them both down, he then pulls the covers over them.
"Roman can I say something and you might hate me after," Virgil said with a nervous tone.
"Virgil I could never hate you. So go ahead, I'm not going to hate you I promise." Roman says as he looks down to Virgil, and sees a slight blush on his cheeks.
"I love you Roman, I love you so much, I love you with all of my being Roman, I love you," Virgil said in a caring tone.
"I love you to Virgil. You are the most important person in my life. I love you more than anything in this world." Roman says as he kisses Virgil. It only lasted a moment but they both smiled.
"Thank you, Roman," Virgil said with a shaky breath as tears ran down his face.
"Anytime love... Why are you crying!? Am I hurting you!?!?" Roman said in a panic as he pulled his arm away, but Virgil grabbed his hand and intertwined there fingers.
"I was crying because I am happy. No you weren't hurting me. You are actually helping me heal." Virgil said as a smile spread on both of there faces.
"I'm glad. I'm always here for you. I love you. I'm going to protect you." Roman says as he kissed Virgil's forehead. They both soon drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
*meanwhile (others)*
Patton was still crying once Roman had left with Virgil. Logan was whispering kind and caring word to Patton. But nothing seemed to help. Logan then got an idea.
"I love you, Patton," Logan spoke his heart. Only loud enough for Patton to hear. Patton turned to Logan as his tears stopped.
"Do you really mean that Logan?" Patton said with hope.
"Every word," Logan said in a serious tone. A small smile on his face, and a sparkle in his eyes. Patton then tackled Logan in a hug.
"I love you too Logan!" Patton said in a happy tone. Thomas was surprised. Deceit smirked before he spoke.
"Finally! If you two didn't confess soon I would have had to push you both in a closet until you did." Deceit spoke in a serious tone. Thomas laughs.
"And you!" Deceit turns to Thomas. Thomas looks to him.
"Yeah?" Thomas says.
"Keep being you." Deceit then disappeared. Leaving Patton, Logan, and Thomas Speechless for a moment.
"Logan?" Patton asked.
"Yes, Patton?" Logan answered.
"Can we go to your room and cuddle?" Patton asked nervously.
"Of course Patton. I believe that would be quite enjoyable." Logan said as he kissed Patton's forehead. They both walked to Logan's room and cuddled as they both fell asleep. They slept peacefully. Soon after Thomas felt tired and went to bed himself.
In the morning when everyone was awake. They all summoned Depression. Thomas and the others all caged him in a magical prison so he can't use his magic or escape Ever. After they all settled down Thomas made a schedule that would accommodate everyone's relationship. Even Deceits. Thomas found out when Deceit wouldn't come to help them with summoning Depression. So he went o his room, where he found him cuddled up with Sleep. He was really surprised by this. The mindscape was now full of love, happiness, and smiles. They all got along. And made each other want to be better.

Hey, guys hope you like the story. Leave any suggestions. I'd love to read them. Give as much or as little detail as you want.

And a special thanks to Merlin_dragonLord. I would like to thank you for inspiring me to update my story so thank you, Merlin. Hope to hear from you.

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