Sick Virgil

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(thank you  💖💜💙Cara Mitchell💖💜💙 for this Pinterest post. I loved it and it inspired me to make this story. So thank you. )

*Virgil POV*

I woke up early, three in the morning early, feeling horrible; I tried to stand up, my chest feeling like it was filled with rocks, my arms, and legs feel like lead. When I finally stand up, my head goes fuzzy and I had to sit back down on the bed. The room still spinning, causing a horrible headache to occur, I did not dare turn on the lights in fear that I would make things worse. I stand up again going against my better judgment, using the walls to hold me up, moving slowly as I grabbed my jacket from the nightstand, and lightly moving towards the bathroom.

I grabbed the thermometer from the top right drawer of the sink. And took my temperature. The thermometer beeped making my head pound, I move the thermometer to my line of sight and I see that I have a temperature of 107. I grown as I place the thermometer back in the drawer, and grab a hand rag and got it damp in cold water. I slowly walked over to my bed and placed the cloth over my eyes. It was slowly soothing my headache. I stayed there for about an hour before I got hungry and my throat was killing me for water.

"I can't tell Patton because he would only freak out and fuss over me, he would be loud, scream, and make me eat so much, treating me like a child. And I can't have that, because then he'll tell Thomas and that will be horrible. I can't tell Patton." I say as I know that I need help.

"I can't ask logan for help because he will just tell Patton and then we are back to the beginning," I say as I think Logan could help, but ultimately knowing that he would tell Patton.

"What about Princey? He would honor my request to not tell Patton or Logan, and he is caring enough to help me." I say as I slowly stand up, Deciding to go to Roman for help. My head feeling worse than it did before. I move to Romans door knocking. Leaning against the wall for balance.

*Roman's POV*

I hear a knock at the door. I steer in my sleep. I sat up not hearing anything so I lay back down, and I hear the knock again, and I sit up, and look to the door.

"Who is it?" I ask my voice deep from sleep.

"Its Virgil I need your help, please." I hear Virgil say in a weak voice, I could tell something was wrong, so I rushed to the door, as I open the door I see Virgil leaning against the wall, he was pale, like white as a sheet. I move towards him as he speaks.

"D-don't te-ell Patton or L-Logan," Virgil says In a stained voice, I could tell it hurt him. He then moved a tiny bit as he passes out cold. I caught him before he falls to the floor. It was a little awkward because I didn't have a shirt on. I never wore a shirt to bed, I don't get company. But I carried him into my room. I place him on the bed and place the blankets over him, as I did he began to stir in his sleep. I placed my hand on his head and shushed him, running my hand through his hair which was surprisingly soft. Once he calmed down I went and got him water, food, and some medicine. When I walk into my room, I see that he is awake and trying to sit up, once he does his hands began to shake, and he held his head. I moved over to him and placed pillows behind him and guided him to lay back. He did.

"Drink some water and then you can eat if you feel up to it, you don't have to finish it, just eat as much as you can," I say as I place the tray on the nightstand next to my bed, and hand him the water, his hand still shaky. He smiles slightly.

"Thank you, Roman," Virgil spoke in a scratchy voice. He drank the water as he did he sighed a little. The bottle hid a slight smile. He turned to the table and tried sitting up to place it on the nightstand. Once he sat up, I just took the water and placed it on the stand next to the bed and guided Virgil back to the pillows, I then feed Virgil the soup, Virgil ate most of it but he couldn't finish it.

"I'm sorry I couldn't finish it. But it was really good. You are great at cooking, you should do it more often." Virgil said with a smile. But he soon covered it with his hand.

"You shouldn't hide your smile it's beautiful," I say as I place my hand on Virgil's shoulder. Virgil then looks at me removing his hand from his mouth and smiles. I feel my face heat up.

"Well, if we go by that logic you are always pretty. I mean even if we don't you are always handsome." Virgil says confidently, but as he speaks I see red on his cheeks as he looks away with a slight smile.

"Well thank you, Virgil. I never knew you were this flirtatious but I like it," I say as I place my hand under his chin turning his face towards me.

I walk over to the DVD player and placed in the Nightmare before Christmas Virgil's favorite. I walk back over to the bed and lay next to Virgil I see that he is shivering slightly. I pull him into my arms, I see him tense and was about to let go but he snuggled into me.

"Roman are you sure about being this close to me you might get sick," Virgil said cautiously, as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Yes, I am one hundred percent sure that It's okay. I don't care if I get sick. I want to take care of you. If your cold then just snuggle into me, and I'll keep you warm." I said as I wrap my arms around his shoulders more tightly.

"Okay..." Virgil dragged out as his head fell to my shoulder and I looked over and he was asleep. I slowly moved him down into a laying position and watched the rest of the movie. And turned the TV off when it was over. Falling into a deep sleep where memories of mine and Remus's past came into light. I began to breathe heavily, as I remember how much Remus hurt me and how much he got away with. Tears began to fall down his face.

*Third-person POV*

Virgil woke up and heard the sobs coming from Roman. He looks over and sees that he is having a bad dream. He places his hand on Roman's shoulder lightly, and speaks to him in a soft voice, as he kisses his cheek, whispering in a soft and caring tone. Roman woke up and looked to Virgil as he does Virgil leaned in and pulled him into a hug not saying a word, just hugging him. Once he does, he feels the warmth from Virgil, feeling calm and in control of his thoughts. They stay there for a while, after a couple more moments they pulled away and Virgil gave one of his smiles, at that moment Roman knew he wanted to always be the cause of that smile and he wanted him to be happy, he wanted to always be there for him whenever he was sick or sad.

"I love you, Virgil," Roman states as he saw Virgil's eyes widen from his words.

"I love you too Roman," Virgil said after a couple of seconds. Virgil smiled, Roman loves that smile. They laid back down on the bed even closer than before feeling the warmth off of each other till they fell asleep. Virgil felt even better once he was around Roman, Roman made everything better. 

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