Prinxeity Coffee Shop AU

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--Third person POV--

The day started out as what seemed like every other day for Roman. He woke up at 5:00 to start his day. He then got dressed in a white running shirt costume made with a printed red sash. He then grabbed his water bottle off the stand next to his bed and walked to the kitchen grabbing a power bar, while the fridge filled his water. Once he finished the power bar, we grabbed the water bottle placed the lid on and walked out his house making sure to grab his running bag, wallet, and keys.

Roman went his usual route people saying hello as he passed, him greeting them as he jogged by. After about a three mile run. We stopped at the park then he always does, to calm before he headed back. He then looked across the road. 'I've earned it.' Roman thought as he walked across the street into the shop, hearing a little bell ring as he opened the door.

"Hello, sir how may I help you today?" A Male with brown hair and purple highlights, violet eyes, and a black jacket with purple patches greeted him, with a smirk.

"Hello," Roman said as he walked up to the counter.

"What can I get you?" He said to Roman.

"I would like a hot chocolate and your name." He said confidently. Making the Male behind the counter blush. The male then began to make him his cocoa. The male then began to write on the cup in black sharpie.

"Here you are Roman~," The Baristo said.

"Thank you... Wait how do you know my name?" Roman asked questioningly.

"It's written on your shirt in cursive. Unless you get a custom made shirt of another person name. But that's unlikely." The Cafe worker explained, with a smirk. Sending heat rising up Roman cheeks.

"Oh well thank you anyways," Roman said as he turned around and looked at the note on the cup as he did. He smiles. The note said 'I hope you come again cutie.' --Virgil.

"Oh, I'll definitely be back, if it means that I get to see a handsome and cute guy like you. See you soon Virgil.~" Roman said looking behind him to Virgil who was behind the counter with a small smile.

The days went by fast for Roman and Virgil. Roman went to work after he got home, drank the cocoa. He must say that it tasted fantastic. He was glad that he went not only for the delicious drink but because he met the cutest person that he had ever seen in his life at that cafe.

After an hour it was time for Roman to go the theater for rehearsal. He was an actor. He was playing the prince which he played perfectly. (Because his a prince duh.) After rehearsal, he went home and made dinner after he had finished eating he took a shower, and began to go over more of his lines. After he felt content with the amount that he was memorizing he watched Princess and the frog. Once the movie was over, he changed into some pajamas, then he went to bed, he placed his head on the pillow and got comfortable. He soon slipped into deep sleep.

*Meanwhile Virgil*

--Virgil's POV--

Roman was wearing a white running shirt with a printed sash. Which reminded me of a prince. 'His Hot. Wait what' As I argued with myself he began walking towards the counter. Then he placed his order and asked my name. I was too flustered to say anything so I just began to make his cocoa.

Soon I gained some confidence to actually write something on the cup that I would have never otherwise said. 'Omg, I called him cute what happens if he thinks that I'm crazy or weird or something.' Virgil began to panic internal while on the outside be mentioned and somewhat chipper. He then gave the drink and note to Roman which he thought was his name since he had it on his costume designed shirt so I went for it and called him Roman.

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