(14) Packard gone mad

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James , Marlow and I raced through the forest , dodging plants and leaves that snack is in the face as we pushed to get to the source of what sound to be explosions and what can only be Kong's roar.

James was quite far ahead of Marlow and I . His long legs giving him a huge advantage , but luckily Marlow and I were fit enough so we could keep up with him.

The wind rushing past my face, rustled my now messy tied hair , a few strands of hair escaping their confines. There were more important things than hair at this moment. We saw the density of the trees decrease as we got closer to a more open area where there was an orange like glow softly being emitted.

Oh shit this can't be good

As we got closer we saw the backs of the soldiers that were with Packard. We ran out into the open , James and I stopping in front of Kong , acting like a barrier between Packard and the King.

"Packard!" James yelled out , this caught the leaders attention as he looked up to see us. I glanced at the device in his hands and my eyes went wide.

Shoot that's a detonator

Out entrance caught the soldiers by surprise as by instinct they all raised their guns at us, while James had his gun aimed at Packard. They were ready to shoot us , if any harm came to their leader.

"Don't do it." James strained voice said.

Marlow appeared from behind as he help a gun on one hand aiming at Slivko and the sharp blade placed threateningly against the back of another soldiers neck.

There was a large bone fire behind Packard. The wild flames were our only source of light. I looked back and see that patches of Kong's body were burnt and he was collapsed, his eyes shut.

"I asked you fellas nice the first time." Hank said as he cocked the handgun. Slivko then pointed his gun at Marlow.

"We don't want to fight here, Packard." I said
"This thing brought us down! He killed my men!" Packard yelled out.

"Kong was just defending his territory." I stated, my breathing slightly heavy from the run.

"We are soldiers! We do the dirty work! So our families and our countrymen-don't have to be afraid! They should not even know that-a thing like this exists!" Packard yelled out in anger.

"You've lost your mind." James concluded

"Packard don't you see , you are not thinking straight, you are looking for an enemy to fight when there is none" I tried to reason

"Put that detonator down." James said , slightly lowering his gun but still had it aimed.
Packard began to walk threateningly closer to us, closer to James gun. He showed no hesitation has he switched the detonator on, ready to activate the explosives.

"Stop! The world is bigger than this." I yelled out in frustration.

"Bitch, please!" He yelled out like I was a joke. Packard then turned to face Slivko and commanded.

"Slivko, get it out of there!"
Slivko looked at his leader , clear fear in his eyes, he was scared, but he knew this whole thing wasn't right. His hands shook a bit as he faced Marlow.

"You know it's the wrong thing to do, son." Marlow said , hoping Slivko knew this too. Everyone still stood their ground, it was just silence from us, only the sound of the water , the fire and the slow shallow breathes of Kong behind me, the breathe that leaves his nose brushes my skin.

"Put it down, sir." Slivko commanded as he now aimed his gun at Packard, I let out a sigh, release the breathe I didn't realised that I was holding.

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