(8) Hank Marlow

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We have been walking for hours now, I can see that the group is beginning to feel the fatigue as their adrenaline dies down. As of right now we are now walking through a forestry that had thin barked trees.

James and I walked ahead of the group, just to make sure we are going in the right direction. We approached a small clearing with ruins, I nudged James and he looked at it in concern as we slowed down.

"Stay tight" he commanded as we stopped.
"What the hell is this?" I heard the scientist ask in frustration. As I was about to take a step forward, James stuck his hand out stopping me in my tracks. I looked over him in confusion. All he gave me in returned was a look and a nod , almost saying to let him go first.

I looked back at the ruins and back at him, I took a breathe and nodded my head. James held his gun firmly and began walking slowly forward, I nudged my head to the others to follow. As we followed james I began to noticed that the ruins looked to be man made , they were bricks with unusual designs upon them.

Is there human civilization on this island?

Looking past the ruins , I could see that there was a pathway that lead to another one , but the only difference was that , that one was intact unlike this one.

We all walked slowly past and into the wider area . Thick vines hung from the trees , covering the ruins in-front of them.

There were these strange yellow markings on the stone as we surveyed the area, none of us spoke the only sound from us that you could hear was the heaviness if our breathing.

Mason took out her camera to take a quick shot of the markings. She let out a gasp alerting all of us , I shot my head to the side seeing a person who was perfectly painted to blend in with the rocks and she had a spear and was walking towards us.

 She let out a gasp alerting all of us , I shot my head to the side seeing a person who was perfectly painted to blend in with the rocks and she had a spear and was walking towards us

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"Behind you!" Someone shouted I turned around and saw another one.
"Stay Calm" conrad yelled as we huddled up together, our weapons facing the hostiles.

"Conrad? Guys?" I asked , not knowing what the hell is happening as more and more came out of their hiding spots and began walking towards us.

"Nobody shoot! Nobody shoot" Conrad tried to calm everyone as everyone began to panic, especially Slivko.

I looked ahead of me and saw six more people walk out of their hiding spots like they were the leaders cause they had red cloths wrapped around them and they didn't say a word they just look at us.

Brooks cocked his shot gun ready to shoot.
"Wow wow wow wow" we heard a voice say as it's volume began to increase.

I saw what looked to be a person dressed up in a airforce jacket run out from behind them and  pass the 6 people so he was in-front of us.

"No need for that. Come on now! Everybody keep your wigs on now!" The long bearded man said trying to calm down the situation

"What?" I asked in confusion. As the rest of us lowered our weapons a bit.

Searching ~ Captain James Conrad ✔️Where stories live. Discover now