Chapter Two

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"You ok?" Jack asks, snapping Moonstone from her thoughts. "Y-Yeah. I-I'm Fine." She says slightly embarrassed about her mopping. "Jack, I expect there is a good reason you didn't kill the girl." A tall, faceless man appeared from behind a tree. "There is, I swear. Show him your power." He tells Moonstone. "I-I'm n-not a party t-trick." She says with a glare. "You would rather die?" The tall man asks. "N-not like t-there's a-anything holding me b-back." She mutters. With a sigh, she asks, "I c-can control f-fire. W-what d-do you want m-me to d-do?" "Anything that won't burn down the entire forest." The slender man says. After a moment of thought, she smirks. She launches five, maybe seven, fireballs that explode into fireworks when they hit the sky. "Excuse my rudeness, I'm Slenderman, you can call me Slender." The tall man introduces himself with a bow of his head. "Moonstone." She introduces herself, without a stutter for once. "Come back with us, we'll give you a place to stay for a small price." Slender says, weird since he doesn't have a mouth. "I d-don't h-have a lot o-of money." She says with a shrug. "You won't have to pay in money. You have to kill who I tell you to. No questions asked. If you say no, I kill you." He states like a normal thing. She nods her head. "A-alright. T-thank you." She says with a small smile. The two men look a little surprised that she didn't even try to protest. But hey, she has a great power.

The three walk a huge mansion on a.... interesting moment. "Give me *tic* my waffles!" A brown haired man with have his cheek gashed out yells. "Give me back my cheesecake!" Another man, in a white mask yells back. Moonstone turns to Jack. "Y-your telling m-me... t-these p-people are murders?" She asks in... amazement? He just give a nod with a 'tsk.' She looks back at the fight. 'That cheek looks painful... he's kinda cute though?' Moonstone thinks to herself. "Hey *tic* Slendy! Who is she? *tic*" The one with the gashed cheek asks. "This is Moonstone. She's new here." Slender says before teleporting away, making Moonstone flinch a bit. "Hi! I'm *tic* Ticci Toby!" He says with a smile running over and shaking her hand roughly. "H-hi, Slender introduced m-me b-but I'm M-Moonstone." She introduces with a nervous smile. She didn't really like introducing herself to too many people, she hating her stutter and she thought that she should just not talk. That way she wouldn't be made fun of. "Over *tic* there is Masky." He says and points to the man in the mask. Masky waves and continues to search for whatever it is he wants. "Over there is *tic* Hoodie." Toby says and points to someone in a yellow hoodie with a completely pitch black body, with red dot eyes and a frown.

"There are a lot more *tic* people in the house, you'll *tic* meet them eventually." Ticci says, just as the T.V in the next room starts to turn static and glitchy. Moonstone tilts her head and watches the T.V. "Hey everyone! Isn't that the girl EJ was supposed to kill?" A blonde male with blood coming from their eyes asks. "She's *tic* new! By the way, what powers do you have?" Toby asks turning to Moonstone. "P-pyrokinesis. I c-can control f-fire." She says, once again, trying to hold back her stutter and failing. "Do you always have that stutter? Or just when your nervous?" The blonde asks bluntly, causing Moonstone's eyes to snap open. It was her greatest fear, being asked about her speech impediment before her name, or anything for that matter. "N-no. I h-had it since I c-could talk." She says as her face turns red. "Hey *tic* Ben, I think Slendy *tic* called you." Toby says as Moonstone raises an eyebrow. "Alright. And you." Ben says pointing at me and winking. "Your pretty hot. Wanna grab a drink sometime?" He asks as he leans on the door frame. Moonstone tilts her head. "D-didn't I just m-meet y-you? You d-don't even k-know m-my name." She says slightly angry. Ben pouts before smiling again, and glitching back in the T.V. "Hey, can I see your power? I never seen fire control before." Toby asks a second later. Moonstone glances around quickly, seeing if there's anything flammable near by. She didn't want to set a house on fire... again. "There's a-a lot o-of wood..." she mutters to herself. She then lights just the tip of her finger, only enough flame to light a cigarette.

A/N: sorry it stopped in a weird place....

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