Chapter Eleven

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They went down to dinner sadly, just wanting their baby back. "Moony!" Sally's voice comes from the kitchen. Moonstone offers a small wave but it's sad, not the happy wave she would usually offer such a cute and small girl. Sally looks a little sad and let down but is happy once she starts eating. Moon is sat between Toby and Jeff and across from them is Sally, EJ, and Ben. Toby occasionally rubs comforting circles on Moon's knee to keep them both from breaking down in tears. "Hey Toby, Moonstone, wanna play some games?" Ben asks trying to lift the mood. "N-no thanks." Moonstone replies. Toby shakes his head to say no. Toby really hasn't spoken much at all, ever since the news really. The creepypasta crew eat their dinner sadly, none of them wanting to engage in conversation then all went their separate ways, all wanting to grieve in their own ways. "Jeffy, why is everyone sad?" Asks Sally while sitting in the living room with Ben, Jeff, EJ, and, of course, herself. "Something sad happened to Moonstone, don't worry we'll all be ok." EJ replies seeing Jeff couldn't find the right words to answer the small girl. "What happened?" The girl questioned further. All the boys looked at each other, no one wanting to answer. "Hey Sally! Let's play a game!" Ben changes the subject quickly. The girl nods happily and runs over to him.

It's been a few days, and nothing has improved. The sad moods even got Sally, the happiest girl in the world sad. Toby and Moonstone were of course hit the most. They would only leave their room for missions and the others practically forced them to eat. The missions they did were even bloodier and were on the news more often, but luckily they never thought it was the same murderer. "Toby, Moon, you can't stay depressed forever, you have to at least attempt to move on." Ben's voice rang through the door. Before Toby or Moon can reply, there were hurried steps toward their room, and a hushed voice talked to Ben. "Really!?" Ben asked excitedly to the voice they couldn't make out. "Guys! Come out! Slender has exciting news!" Ben yells to everyone in the house, including Toby and Moon. Everyone was rounded to the living room where Slender was already standing in the middle of the room waiting to make an announcement. "I've felt a presence for the past few days in the house. It's always around Moonstone, but I now am sure I know who it is." Slender explains. "W-who is i-it?" Moonstone asks starting to get anxious. "It's your baby. The ghost is too young to pass on I suppose, and because it's yours, it always stays around you." Slender continues. "C-can I g-get them back?" Moon asks squeezing Toby's hand. Slender nods his head. "When!?" Toby blurts out. "All I need to do is lay Moonstone down and sew the ghost into Moonstone, something I can do very easily." Everyone was stunned. Happy, Of course, but stunned. Moonstone swings her legs over so they're on the couch and on everyone who was sitting there's laps, her head rested on Toby's lap. "Let it begin."

It's been a few hours and Moonstone is happily sitting with almost every Creepypasta ever, the ones she knew of course. It was full of happiness beyond belief. They're killers, psychopaths, sociopaths, cannibals, and plain crazies, but they were happy beyond belief.

~time skip brought to you drunken Slendy~

It's been six years and Toby and Moonstone have a beautiful baby boy named Floyd. (I just love that name...) Floyd loves everyone at the mansion and has his mother's fire powers and his father's tics and flinches. He's taught from the best teacher, Slender, who was happy to help teach the lovable little boy. Toby and Moon are "married," but because everyone outside the mansion thinks they're dead... no papers say "married," but they do say "deceased." The mansion really are a big family, not a normal family, but a pretty damn good one.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this story! Sorry the end was a little sudden but I couldn't really think of better way to end it, and I just wasn't inspired to write it anymore. But I will be starting a X reader story, it will either be a Jeff or EJ story. Feel free to comment which one you would prefer. Bye everyone.

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