Chapter Nine

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"Moonstone, I'm sure you know why your here." Slendy says and sits Moon down in a chair carefully. "N-no, I d-don't s-sir." Slender didn't have a face, but if he did his eyes would be wide. "Well, I wanted you to find out on your own, but I suppose I shall tell you." He says with a pause. "Moonstone, your pregnant. Congratulations." He says with a hand in her shoulder. "W-what? N-no way!" Slender only nods. "I brought you here to ask why you didn't tell the father yet. I suppose I know now. Why don't you go tell him." Slender says and nods towards the door. She nods and gets up, looking nervous. She takes a deep breath before walking to the living room. As she's walking, a thought hits her. 'How did he know I was pregnant?' The thought soon leaves as Toby comes into view. "T-Toby, c-can I t-talk to y-you?" She asks and taps his shoulder. He give a nod with the same smile that makes her heart do backflips. She takes another deep breath. "I-I'm... p-pregnant." Toby's eyes shot open. "What!?" He yells glancing at her belly every now and then. She nods and looks down at her feet. "I-I know, w-we've o-only been together f-for a f-few months but... I-I'm p-planning on k-keeping it." She says not taking her eyes off the ground.

"How *tic* did you find *tic* out?" Toby asks. "Slender." She replies, glances quickly at his face. "What *tic* are we going to *tic* do?" Moon shakes her head and shrugs, letting a tear run down her face. Toby reaches out and turns her head to look at him. "We'll fig- *tic* figure this out, *tic* don't forget the whole *tic* mansion is like one big *tic* family." He wipes her tear with his thumb as he talks. She brings him into a hug and cries into his shoulder. "So your *tic* pregnant..." Toby hugs a little tighter. "Holy sh- *tic* shit! I'm going *tic* to be a dad!" Toby jumps up slightly, beaming. Moonstone couldn't help but smile too at the thought of being a mother, and made a silent oath to herself to be a better mother than her's. They continue the hug until they hear a slow and mocking clap from behind Moonstone. "Pregnant? That won't last long~" before they could ask what Jane was talking about, she left as if she was never there. "W-what d-do you th-think she m-meant?" Moonstone asks nervously for the sake of the human inside of her. Toby shakes his head and put a protective arm on her shoulder. "The baby *tic* will be ok. I pro- *tic* promise." He leans in and kisses her on her forehead.

That night at dinner, Toby and Moonstone decided to tell everyone the news. "I-I h-have an a-announcement." Moonstone states and stands up from her seat. Everyone looks at her. "W-well, I'm p-pregnant..." everyone then looks at Toby. His face turns red and he shrinks in his seat. Moonstone sits down and continues eating like she didn't just say what she did. "Well, why is nobody saying anything!? Congratulations you two!" Sadie yells and runs to pull the couple in a hug. "I'm gonna be a big sister!" Sally bounces and wiggles in her seat. Jane scoffs. Everyone decides to ignore her and continues to congratulate and give hugs to them, even if a little hesitant. "Great, another kid in the house." Jeff says with a playful eye roll. Moon sends him a glare that screams, "shut the fuck up," and Jeff visibly flinches. They continue the night full of happy jokes, and the occasional fights over whether it's a boy or a girl. They all went to bed pretty late, even Sally managed to stay upright most of the night. Moonstone laid in the bed with a happy sigh that Toby giggled at. "Did you *tic* have a good *tic* day?" He asks with a chuckle. She nods and cuddles up to him. "G-good night." Moon says moments before she's drifted off to sleep.

"Ughh." Moonstone wakes up with a groan. "You *tic* ok?" Toby asks a little sleepily. "N-nauseous..." He thinks for a moment before standing up and walking off. He comes back a few moments later with a cup of watermelon. Moon tilts her head. "Trust *tic* me. My m- *tic* mom said it was the *tic* only think that helped her *tic* morning sickness." Was what Toby said before placing the cup in her hands. "T-thank you." She says with a smile before eating. The day went by smoothly, nothing out of the ordinary. The occasional Jane appearance, but all Moon got was a scoff. Little did they know, Jane had a plan. And it would take place in just a few short weeks.

A/N: sorry the last paragraph was so short...

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