Chapter Ten

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Moonstone is now about four months into her pregnancy and was beginning to show. Some of the proxies she hasn't seen from long lasting missions even shown up to see her. Jane was the same asshole she always was, so nothing much really changed. Until one evening when everyone but Moon and Jane were out on missions. Slender has forbidden Moon from going on missions since her pregnancy, and Jane just happened to be off. "W-what to eat..." Moonstone mumbles to herself as her cravings have gotten worse. Suddenly, she felt a bag go over her head and a needle go through her arm, straight into her bloodstream. She falls unconscious and is dragged away. "F-fuck." She stutters out. "Well, well, well. Look who's finally awake." Moonstone strains to see her attacker. "J-Jane?" A insane laugh bursts from the black haired woman. "Who else? Dumbass!" Jane yells and punches Moonstone straight to the belly. "Mother f-fucker!" Moonstone yells with all her might and tries to summon her firepower, which fails. "Aww, poor Moon can't use her powers! Remember that needle? It's a handy drug Slendy told me about years ago! Strips every supernatural power from the being that got in plunged into them!" Jane yells with another laugh frenzy following.

It's been hours of absolute torture. Moonstone was kicked, punched, elbowed, and once in a while, cut in the stomach. She could feel the warm blood trickling out of her stomach, but the pain that she most likely lost her baby hurt more than any pain Jane could throw at her. She stopped crying a long time ago, just looked at Jane with sad, desperate, and hatred in her eyes. "If my baby is dead, every fiber in my body will tell me to hunt you down and kill you the most painful and slowest way possible. And I swear, I'll listen." Moonstone said with a insane and intense look and voice. Her stutter completely gone. Jane flinches slightly, but otherwise completely ignores her threat. More painful hours follow before the door bursts open, beholding Toby, Slendy, Jeff, and Ben. All with the same look of hatred and the urge to snap and rip Jane's throat out. "What is the meaning of this?!" Slender says using his unique telepathy. "Moonstone!" Toby yells and runs over to her. "Jeff, get EJ. Tell him to get his medical utensils and get here quickly. Ben, stay with Toby and Moonstone. They won't be able to think clearly. And for Jane, come with me." Slender says loosing his usual 'voice' for a deep and menacing one when he talks to Jane. Jane walks to Slender with a Scared trot, while Ben runs over to the couple and Jeff runs to get the 'doctor.'

"What *tic* happened!?" Ben asks when her gets over to Moonstone. "M-my baby..." Moon mutters to herself sadly and puts a hand to her bloody stomach. Her cries start again quietly and Toby couldn't help but let stray tears fall as well. Ben utters a apology and brings them into a hug. "I-it's all m-my f-fault. I sh-should of t-tried t-to fight more!" Toby hushes her. "No one *tic* blames you. *tic* you shouldn't e- *tic* either:" He brings her closer to him and they cry into each other's shoulders until EJ walks in the room and gets to work, but he can't fix her heart that's been broken into a million pieces. "Do you think you can stand?" Jack asks after he fixed her cuts. She nodded and slowly made her way to her room. "You ok?" Ben asks Toby, noticing he didn't follow Moon. "My *tic* baby's gone.. a- *tic* aren't they?" Ben and EJ are brought to silence. They loved the baby like it was their niece or nephew. Toby buried his face into his hands and Ben put a hand on their shoulder. "Go to Moon, she's just as torn up as you are." EJ says a moment later. Toby nods and makes his way to Moonstone, who was crying into a pillow curled up on the bed. He made his way over to her and snuggled with her until they were both crying on each other. There was a knock on the door. Toby nor Moon said anything, so there was another knock. "Moony!~ Toby!~ it's dinner time!" Sally's cheerful voice carried through the door. "W-we'll be d-down in a m-minute." Moonstone said slightly loud so Sally could hear. "I'm g-going to d-do a pregnancy t-test." Toby nods and loosens his arms so she could go. She comes back a minute later. "W-we j-just have to w-wait f-five minutes." Toby, again, nods. "I k-know th-the answer, but I f-feel i-it would m-make us feel b-better. To be s-sure." Moonstone says and kisses Toby softly. Five minutes later, she checks the test. "N-negative."

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