EPISODE 14: Gators Or Crocs?

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HOST: previously on SIMON SAYS..

JUNGWOO: after all, there's only gonna be one winner! so don't keep crying after every dea—

LUCAS: [looking away from Jungwoo] leave.

JUNGWOO: [blinks in surprise] what?

LUCAS: i said leave, go. i don't want to see you right now.

HOST: welcome back everyone to a new episode of SIMON SAYS, and the producer is telling me to direct the cameras to the contestants so that you don't miss anythin—okay.

[the cameras transfer to where Mark, Taeyong and Jungwoo are head to head, almost swimming at the same speed. Lucas was keeping a close eye on Taeyong, in case he tried anything. All they had to do was get to the other side, it wasn't that hard, right?

yeah too bad the author hates being bored.]


[Taeyong momentarily stops, but then looks back at Ten who was glancing with worry towards Mark and then heads towards him, the younger struggling to himself above the surface.]

TAEYONG: it—it maybe just a water plant—

JUNGWOO: you! get away from him!

HOST: what the fuck is going on—

TAEYONG: i didn't do anythi—

JUNGWOO: who says you won't do anything just like you did to Jaemin? get away—

[Jungwoo tries to gently pull Mark up, but had trouble keeping his head up above the water. Taeyong tries to help but his arm was slapped by Jungwoo. Taeyong smacked him back, and then the cat fight began.

Mark cursed them as he looked down to see the water coloured in red, his own blood.

he manages to kick whatever bit him without the other two's help— who were busy fighting to even notice. Taeyong and Jungwoo were basically cat fighting right now to notice the river's change in colour, and Mark swimming away..]

JUNGWOO: you let go!

TAEYONG: no, you let go!

KUN: let go of what?

HOST: that's exactly what i wanna know.

[Jungwoo and Taeyong had stopped momentarily fighting to catch their breaths and then glared at each other. however, before Taeyong can even reach out and scratch Jungwoo, both of them were tugged by their ankles in the water, submerging them fully inside.

Ten, Lucas, Doyoung, Mark —who was on the other side— and Jisung had their jaws dropped when the two disappeared from view.]

RENJUN:... okay what the fuck just happened?

[the Host subtly gestures for the camera to roll at the sea, and so the scene transfers to that underwater to see what is happening in the weird river..

Jungwoo and Taeyong were waving their arms about, trying to hold their breath and swim up, but they were both surrounded by one long crocodile that keep swimming around them, and tries biting at their legs more to weaken them.

Jungwoo and Taeyong can't see because of the blood red surroundings, and they just punch aimlessly at nowhere in particular, bubbles coming out of their mouths.

then suddenly, the crocodile had clamped its large teeth on Jungwoo's leg and started pulling him down, away from Taeyong, who had searched around him for Jungwoo when he didn't feel his presence.

Taeyong swam up, took a deep breath before he went back down in search for Jungwoo for unknown reasons. he tried moving away from the red cloud of blood, and when he did, he saw Jungwoo trying to punch away the crocodile, but the latter had bitten on his leg harder, causing Jungwoo to yelp, opening his mouth and allowing more water to get inside his mouth.

Taeyong had swum down, grabbed a rock and quickly bashed the crocodile with it in the eye, making it let go of Jungwoo. Taeyong continued bashing it as Jungwoo tried to swim up faster, but he was being too slow.

the crocodile was sick of being harassed and then swam away from Taeyong warily.

Taeyong wasn't a professional swimmer, but he managed to get himself and Jugwoo up on the surface as he wrapped his arm around his waist.]

TAEYONG: m—move— [he spat water from his mouth and nose] move your l—legs!

JUNGWOO: [nodding] th—thanks..

KUN: well that's an unexpected twist.

[swimming together as quickly as they could, they make it to the other side where Mark was waiting for them with a smug expression, tending to his injured leg.]


NCT DREAM: [cheers incoherently]

HOST: okay.. and since NCT DREAM has won this challenge, they get a head-start in the next one!

EVERYONE: [sigh—]

HOST: but you know what happens since we didn't have a death!

     there will be a voting tonight! and viewers, you can vote as well for the contestant who will bid us goodbye! vote here after dialling the number on the bottom of the screen>


HOST: next time, on SIMON SAYS

JOHNNY: you know what, this is all your fault!

LUCAS: my fault?

TEN: guys please—

LUCAS: it's not my fucking fault that you can't pay attention for shit!

JOHNNY: well, i'm not even sorry, but it was because of you we lost J—

KUN: guys, shhh!


HOST: stay tuned for the next episode of SIMON SAYS!

yeah, hi.. (:

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