EPISODE 28: Enemies Already

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HOST SUHO: yeah, world i'm back with the deaths you pay and vote for.

               after we have introduced our new team, WayV, we are now going to discuss the new rules for this show!

TAEYONG: i still can't believe you did this!

DOYOUNG: well, deny it all you want, but you're going down, son

HOST SUHO: well damn—

TAEYONG: you're with the same team as us

DOYOUNG:... oh.. [turns to Suho] but i won't get killed, right?

HOST SUHO: [makes a "kinda" sign with his hand]


HOST SUHO: shoulda known what you signed up for, "son"

YANGYANG: ha. it's funny watching the inferior suffer—

DOYOUNG: inferior? without me you wouldn't have even come here—

HENDERY: when every phase of the plan is done, we get rid of the useless tools. Taeyong is one of them, and now you are. we know that we are just ways for world domination— but, Junmyeon isn't as strong as us, so he promised us a share of the world, and he knows where he stands.

HOST SUHO: they're kinda like my bodyguards, so..

XIAOJUN: [smirks] and believe me, Kim Doyoung, worrying about your share will be the last thing on your mind when you know what we're gonna do with you and those other twinks.

DOYOUNG: [aghast] this is messed up!

[meanwhile, Kun keeps staring at Johnny, who was just staring blankly ahead like some kind of robot. his eyes moved to Taeil and Ten, who were at the same posture and with the same facial expression.

Kun spoke for the first time in a while]

KUN: [worriedly] what did you do with them?

HOST SUHO: [smirks] glad you asked. Yangyang?

YANGYANG: with pleasure. [walks until he is behind Kun and places a hand over his shoulder] you see, Qian Kun, these people were unfairly voted out. they wanted to participate again, to take revenge from those who voted them out.

so we decided to help them, by combining their nervous system to a bionic chip implanted in their arms, and we put them under our control, while promising them victory at the end.

TAEYONG: what if they don't want to do what you say?

HENDERY: [cackles evilly] they'll die.

WINWIN: what?

HENDERY: you see, if you have been paying attention [which you clearly didn't] you'd know that we control them, and that with one push of a button, we can send an electric shock to their veins with so much power that boom, they'll die.

JUNGWOO:... i'm too innocent for this shit

TAEYONG: [just keeps staring at Ten]

YANGYANG: [notices and licks his lips]

WINWIN: so what now? what will we do?

HOST SUHO: you will battle! like.. safety battles now, ugh, because law and all [also because the viewers like you, smh] and because there is no victor, just a winning team.

XIAOJUN: WayV of cour—

MARK: no! it'll be NCT! because you fuckers shouldn't have messed with us! you'll pay for doing this to our friends, and for killing Jisung!

HENDERY: aww little one, are you challenging us?

MARK: wasn't i kinda clear?

HOST SUHO: oh oh oh, this is getting interesting~


[everyone becomes silence when Taeyong speaks while looking at Ten. Doyoung sighs and Suho rolls his eyes at him. Taeyong approaches tentatively before placing a hand on Ten's shoulder]

TAEYONG: Can you— Can you hear me?

[Ten doesn't move.

Taeyong's eyes well with tears.]

TAEYONG: y—you know i didn't mean for this to happen, right?


TAEYONG: you know.. how i feel about you, right?


TAEYONG: [desperately latches on to Ten's arm] please say something!

XIAOJUN: [discreetly clicks a button]

[Ten's eyes suddenly light up, and he snaps his head to Taeyong's whose mouth slowly opened wide. Ten snatched his arm away from Taeyong's grip, accidentally pushing him and causing Taeyong to stumble back, away from him.]

TEN: WayV will rule supreme.

[his voice is robotic, void of emotion, and Taeyong goes from a crying mess to a raging mess. he clenches his jaw and fists, before he looks at a smirking Suho.]

TAEYONG: you're gonna pay for this

HOST SUHO: i'd like to see you try, kid

well how bou dah—

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