EPISODE 23: Woah, Attitude and Fangs!

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HOST: welcome back everyone to another episode of Simon Says, where everything that happens behind the scenes is none of your business!

teams! please choose your best two candidates!

WINWIN: Doyoung and Taeyong

TAEYONG: not that i'm complaining about death, but why?

WINWIN: i need some alone time.

DOYOUNG:... you heard the man, let's die together!

HAECHAN: i'll go with Jeno!

RENJUN: i swear, Lee Donghyuck, if you endanger my babe—

JENO: i am not your babe!

RENJUN: soon you will be. soon.

MARK: this is creepy..

JUNGWOO: Kun and Lucas!

KUN: but why not you, though?

JUNGWOO: [shrugs] we had plenty of alone time—

KUN: tee em eye..

JUNGWOO: no, you don't understand! it was really magnificent—

LUCAS: Jungwoo, honey, please—

JUNGWOO: Lucas's hands were so bi—

HOST: okay, innocent boy. enough of that. everyone, we will start with TEAM U, and hopefully the stories die with the person who did it

LUCAS: it's not my fault! he wanted it!

HOST: can we please keep it PG-13 for once?

TAEYONG: hard.

KUN: [pulling Lucas aside to whisper] did you have to ruin his innocence?

LUCAS: we're gonna die. is it really important now?

[Jungwoo and Lucas share a rather dramatic goodbye before Kun rolls his eyes and drags Lucas away, so that they could stand at their positions.

they looked worriedly towards the sleeping tiger, and then up at the tubes directly above them, that apparently were supposed to drop balls. suddenly, Kun lurched forward, grabbing the ball just as if fell in his hands.

Kun turned to throw the ball towards Lucas, who caught it easily, not moving from his place. he then threw it back to Kun quickly, who thought fast and caught it too.]

LUCAS: try and be faster!

KUN: well i'll be faster when we're not endangered by a human-eating predator..

LUCAS: ugh, buzz kill.

KUN: well excuse me for wanting to stay alive!

LUCAS: why don't you speak a little louder, huh? the US didn't hear you.

KUN: fuck you.. how many throws again?

LUCAS: i lost count from your shitty attitude

KUN: look who's talking!

JUNGWOO: fuck.. someone should tell them to keep it down.

HOST: too bad they're surrounded by this unbreakable, transparent dome.

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