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HOST SUHO: yeah i'm not gonna be cheery anymore, here's the show's new rules.

we will get eighteen contestants, and kill/eliminate them until they're down to six, and get three of those eliminated contestants to join Yangyang, Hendery and Xiaojun. all clear? clear.

               and now to our battle, of.....


MARK: okay, for once this seems fair.

JUNGWOO: pleeeeease don't jinx it—

HOST SUHO: yep, and WayV will get a two minute headstart since they're new.


HOST SUHO: thank god it's friday because we get the whole day for scavenger hunts!

and now for the rules!

KUN: [sighs] i really wanna die right now

HENDERY: [smirks] don't rush yourself

HOST SUHO: there will be three rounds in total, and two pairs —one from each team— will be the team representatives in the round of six minutes. in those six minutes, they have to complete most if not all the objectives given to them on their list, before racing back to the starting point.

               the winner is either the person who gets the most objectives done, or if it's a tie, the one who got back to the starting point first. is everything clear? any questions?


HOST SUHO: perfect! now, teams, choose your representatives!

TAEYONG: [whispers] we should wait for them to choose their representative before we choose ours

DOYOUNG: for once, what you're saying makes sense

TAEYONG: oh shut up!

XIAOJUN: we pick Johnny!

KUN: i'll go—

WINWIN: i'm gonna stop you right there—

KUN: one of us has to go and convince him that he's with the wrong side, and try to talk some sense into him!

DOYOUNG: you think you are a good candidate for this—

KUN: if not me, then who?

TAEYONG:.. how about Mark?

MARK: me? why me?

TAEYONG: for one, both of you and Johnny kinda have the same personality, and two it's because both of you are kinda like.. from another continent.

MARK: oh yeah, foreign swaggers~

DOYOUNG: don't ever say that again

WINWIN: we pick Mark!

YANGYANG: making dumb decisions already, i'm not surprised.

[Yangyang smirks as the other two behind him laugh at the other team, and Mark got out of the huddle to glare at him.]

MARK: you think you're so strong? huh? well, i'm sorry but not everything is about strength and big mouths!

YANGYANG: [drops a hand on Mark's shoulder] it's not about being strong, Lee, it's about eliminating the weak. it's about biting rather than barking— and right now, all i hear is the bark.

[Hendery, Xiaojun and Suho laugh loudly as Yangyang kept smirking at Mark's glare. Yangyang stepped back slowly, still maintaining eye contact with Mark, and took the posture of a shrug.]

YANGYANG: you have no chance against us.

TAEYONG: please! Mark will defeat you! [leans sideways to whisper to Mark] bitch, don't mess this up or i will kill you!

HOST SUHO: ha! well how about that? while leaving this tension in the air, we'll come back to you next time on, SIMON SAYS! Simon says watch this show or i'll kill you.

next time, on Simon Says..

MARK: ow, ow, ow—

hello bitches by cl is the bop
i stan now.
based the vibe of this chap off it—

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