EPISODE 25: Shake Dem Beds

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HOST: welcome back everyone, to Simon Says, where apparently our budget is so big we actually afforded beds that shake just like a mechanical bull used to injure slash hurt the contestants!

      y'all have no idea what's coming for you.

JENO: and this is supposed to be comforting why, exactly?

HOST: the director has made other plans to divide the teams into pairs! Doyoung and Taeyong will be together in a pair..

DOYOUNG: you put me in the same team as a killer—


HOST: WINWIN and Kun will be together..

KUN: sweet.. uptop bro.

WINWIN: [ignores him for a minute, before he fist bumps him back]

HOST: Jungwoo and Mark will be together—

HAECHAN: i did not agree to this—

HOST: Haechan, you'll be with Jisung and that leaves Renjun and Jeno together.. hope I didn't miss anyone..

TAEYONG: i miss Ten..

HOST: yeah, buddy, no one cares.

TAEYONG: i do!

HOST: all pairs to your beds please! and hold on tight, this is gonna be a long ass ride..

[the pairs head towards their respectful beds, and held on to the edges as instructed. the metallic support of the bed makes the bed rise high before it stops, and everyone looks down at the host.]

HOST: whoever remains standing will be sleeping the whole night, pair or not!

         on your marks.. get set..


[immediately, the beds start rising and moving moving, and WINWIN gasped when he felt himself slip, and he held on tight to the edge of the headboard.

the speed started increasing gradually, and then the host smirked to himself, but you didn't get to see that much of his face before the camera moved away from him.]

DOYOUNG: i feel like i'm gonna be sick— [gags]


[WINWIN basically curls up into a ball before he holds on so tight to the headboard that his knuckles turned white. he glanced beside him at Kun, who had half his body dangling from the bed.

WINWIN gave a second long thought before he gripped Kun's hand and the latter looked up at him in confusion.]

KUN: wha—

WINWIN: just hold on, idiot

KUN: i'm not—

WINWIN: shut up

[meanwhile, Jeno and Renjun are having a blast, and are actually initiating a conversation about dolphins.]

JENO: do people really ride dolphins?

RENJUN: not really sure, although it would be torture for those— woah— pesky creatures

JENO: they're actually very strong and very smart mammals.

RENJUN:... mammals?

JENO: yes..?

RENJUN: dolphins are not mammals!

JENO: yes they are! they breathe through the air-hole on top of their head, and they have no gills!

RENJUN: oh really?

JENO: yes! it's also why they come out of the water often, jumping at the surface! to breathe air!

RENJUN:.... oh really?

JENO: [facepalms]

RENJUN: but hoe, how do they hold it in, how do they hold their breaths, huh?

JENO: wha— i don't know! i'm not a marine biologist what the fu—

RENJUN: HA so they're not mammals!

JENO: lord kill me.

[Jungwoo had held on tightly to Mark, who had started swiveling to the side along with the bed, holding on as tightly as he can. Jungwoo whimpered in Mark's ear, who had tried to see a bright side to this situation..]

MARK: uh.. good thing Yukhei won't get dizzy here huh?

JUNGWOO: [gags, lets go of Mark and falls off the bed]

MARK: okay i admit that one's on me

[mattresses were placed down the floor beneath the bed, and Jungwoo managed to fall on the edge of one, hitting his elbow on the floor in the process. he yelped loudly as the paramedics came to help, and Mark looked down at him and winced.]

MARK: is the sight of Lucas torn to shreds really that disgusting?

HOST: [sighs] yes, yes it is

[Haechan and Jisung were not faring very well either.. Jisung had resorted to hugging Haechan's back, who kept cursing at him and at how pathetic he's acting.

maybe he voiced it out too?]

JISUNG: gee, i'm sorry for not wanting to die

HAECHAN: fuck you

[just then the beds jerked up and then sideways harshly, and Renjun's hand slipped, and from the force of the bed's lurch, he flew sideways, away from the pillows and towards the metallic walls.

Jeno looked at him with a loud gasp as Renjun yelled, had his head hit the wall with a large thud that basically echoed throughout the whole room before Renjun fell the the floor, without any mattresses.

WINWIN and Kun looked down at Renjun, causing them to fall from their beds and down to the mattresses beside Jungwoo..]

HOST: uhh.. is he waking up? damn that hit was hard..

[turns to camera, unsure] okay.. so the director is telling me to end this episode on a bright note and.. oh, isn't it good that Lucas won't feel dizzy now?

um okay, sorry..

keep watching Simon Says! only on Disney Cha— DAMN IT!

lmao what do you think
happened to renjun uwu

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