Deafening Silence

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-C0de's PoV-

I waited for Outer to continue, "so... Ink, Error, and Dream all know about you... and the reason you had a dream was because of something we did... we umm... saw everything you saw in your dream... and well... everyone decided that you need help, and that it would be too dangerous for you to be left alone so Ink made this AU for you to live here and so we could all help you.... and umm..." Outer said.

My mind was racing and it felt like I might throw up. They kidnapped me, stalked me, saw-  my thoughts froze and I was visibly trembling now. They saw... they know... but... no... that person doesn't exist anymore... I thought in a panic.

Outer reached out to place a hand on my shoulder, causing me to flinch violently.

-Outer's PoV-

I noticed C0de shaking violently, and reached a hand out to try and comfort him only for him to jerk away from me, eyes wide and terrified.

"Hey C0de calm down.... no-one is going to hurt you" I tried to tell him, once again trying to get closer to him.

He pulled away, his bones rattling in fear. "S-s-stay a-away f-from m-me!" C0de snapped, his voice betraying how scared he was.

Despite his warning I tried to grab onto his arm, and that was when C0de let out a terrified Yelp, literally jumping back and raising a hand to try and summon his magic. That's when the others came into the room, having heard the commotion and seemingly concerned for my wellbeing.

C0de started trembling even more upon realizing he couldn't summon his magic, his breathing was rapid and uneven as he looked up from his shaking hands only to see the other three now in the room with us.

The scared skeleton backed himself up against the wall and into a corner, gripping onto the scarf around his neck like it was the only thing keeping him alive. He ended up sinking to the floor, huddled into a ball in the corner of the room. Error looked like he pitied the shaking skeleton, Ink seemed confused, and Dream seemed very worried.

Ink moved to step forwards but I held out an arm to stop him, making him look at me confused.

"Let me go I want to talk to him" Ink said, keeping his voice down. I only shook my head.

"I think that Outer is right Ink... he needs space, he's already shaken up as is" Dream said softly.

Ink sighed, moving back into the kitchen, Error moved to sit in the chair farthest from C0de, pulling out some knitting needles and using his strings he started to make another doll. Dream and I moved to sit on the couch. Dream smiled sadly when he noticed C0de flinching at any movements.

After a good twenty minutes or so we noticed C0de seemed to be softly speaking to himself. Though I could barely hear what he was saying, what I did hear concerned me a little.

"Zer0.... where are you.... talk to me.... fucking... it's too quiet... I hate it.... why is it so quiet" he whispered fervently in panic, the tips of his fingers digging into his skull as he curled up as tightly into a ball as he could in the corner.

Dream and I exchanged a worried look, I nodded to Dream, who understood what I was thinking.

The shorter skeleton stood slowly and carefully approached C0de, speaking in a soft comforting voice as he got closer.

"Hey there.... what's wrong? It's okay, you're safe here, nobody is going to hurt you... come on take a deep breath." Dream calmly spoke.

C0de didn't seem to panic too much, other then jerking his head up to stare at Dream like a cornered animal. Still the shaking skeleton seemed to understand what Dream was saying, and it also helped that the aura the smaller gave off was a calming positive one.

"It's.... too quiet.... he's n-not here.... why is he so quiet? It makes my head hurt so much.... it's too quiet" C0de whispered, like he was scared that the quiet might consume him if he dared to disturb its silence.

"There there, it's okay, calm down.... do you like music?" Dream asked, now able to sit on the floor close to C0de, who continued to warily watch him.

C0de furrowed his brows slightly, recalling some of the tunes he sometimes heard Zer0 humming.

"Y-yah... I like... I like music" he answered softly, still in a bit of a panic at not being able to escape, or use his magic, or hear that one voice that he had grown to rely on to keep the silence at bay.

Dream smiled softly at C0de, who flinched for a moment, but relaxed slightly when Dream didn't do anything else. He continued to hug his knees to his chest, one hand holding tightly onto his scarf.

-C0de's PoV-

The small yellow clothed skeleton that was Dream wasn't so bad, he had this way of making me feel a little better, though I was still wary about him. My head snapped towards Outer when he stood, my body tensing up, but he didn't come closer to my little corner, instead he went and got something, speakers maybe, and hooked up a phone to them before scrolling and then tapping his choice.

A rather nice gentle song began to play, though lacking words, the hum of the violin and soft whisper of flutes and other instruments filled the terrifying void that was left by the silence of before. I couldn't help the soft sigh of relief that escaped me, I was just so grateful for something other then the painfully deafening silence.

So I focused on the music, picking out the unique sound of every instrument, I hadn't even noticed my eyes were closed and I was softly humming along.

-Dreams PoV-

I couldn't help but smile as I felt the panic in C0de slowly fading, some semblance of positive emotions coming from him as he hummed along to the music. I was sure my eyes must be stars at this point, ideas running through my mind.

I mentally began to make a list of different Sans that C0de should meet, Dancetale was a possibility, deffinately Beatstale, maybe Science Sans, I was sure they could find lots of things to talk about. It would seem that C0de had a fear of silence, and based on what he had said, Zer0 was being quiet, so people who he could talk with or just listen too would probably help him.

Outer seemed to have a similar idea, as he left to get a notepad so he could write things down.

1134 words!

I know that I've been a little slow on updating, and I have to say sorry for that. I hope everyone is enjoying this story, and now we get to see a glimpse of C0de breaking down, feeling weak and scared. With nothing to help him hold up his facade of being strong and brave he starts to loose it.

-Equanox 💙🐉

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