Chapter 36

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Vanessa's POV

*Six days later*

I hear the doorbell ring and get up from the couch, going towards the front door. I open the door and see Caitlyn standing there, with a huge smile on her face. "Surprise!" she squeals and I take her in my arms immediately. "Oh my gosh! I didn't know you were coming over," I say, still embracing her. "Well, that's the point of a surprise Ness," she chuckles and I join her. "I just wanted to spend a weekend with my best friend." I smile at her when we get out of the hug. "So, you're staying here until tomorrow?" I ask her and she brightly smiles. "Of course," she says, showing me a bag, which I assume are her clothes. I chuckle and then drag her inside.

"Where's your dad?" she asks me when we get into the living room. "Ehm, he's with Courtney," I mumble. "Oh, the witch," she says and I chuckle. "Yeah, her," I say. "Do you still don't like her?" she asks me. "No, not really. But if my dad is happy with her, then I guess I have to try," I tell her. "He's been trying with Evan, so I'm willing to do the same for him." She nods in agreement and I take her bag from her hands.

"Let's go upstairs," I say and she nods, following me towards my bedroom. "So, how's it going in paradise?" she asks me with a huge grin on her face. Probably talking about Evan. "Fine, better than fine even," I smile. "Damn it Nessa! I'm so jealous of you!" she laughs and I chuckle. She lays down on my bed and I look at her. "Why?" I ask her. "Because," she says, while sitting up. "You're in love and in a relationship. You're all unicorns and rainbows and I want that too," she pouts and I chuckle. "What about Oliver?" I ask, smirking. "Oh, well that hasn't progressed at all," she sighs. "How so?" I ask, sitting down next to her. "Well, he still hasn't asked me out yet," she sighs. "And believe me, I'm tired of waiting."

"So, why don't you try to take the first step?" I ask her and she huffs. "Honey, I'm Caitlyn Simon, I never ask the guys out, they ask me," she says and I chuckle. "Okay miss Confidence, but maybe you should consider it if he still doesn't ask you," I tell her and she rolls her eyes.

"I just don't get why he doesn't ask me," she complains. "Maybe he's the shy type," I say. "Or maybe, like you, he doesn't want to take the first step."

"Yeah, maybe," she says. "But that isn't an excuse, He is going to ask me out." I laugh at her and first looks at me seriously, but eventually joins me. "So, what are we going to do tonight?" she asks me. "Ehm, I don't know. We could go to a party, a club or something?" I propose. "Yeah, good idea," she says. "So, where do you wanna go?" I ask her. "Ehm, wait," she says and takes her white iPhone out of her pocket. She writes a text to someone and then when her phone buzzes, she smiles at the screen.

"A college friend of mine is having a party tonight. Just perfect," she tells me and I smile. "Are you sure if it's okay of I come along?" I ask her. "I'm not a college girl yet."

"Girl, of course you can come. Lexi likes people, the more there are, the better," she tells me and I chuckle. "Okay, let's go then," I say. "Okay, but what are we wearing?" she asks me. "Ehm, did you brought some clothes?" I ask her. "Yeah, but I was hoping I could take something out of the Parker shopping center," she says and I laugh. "My closet is your closet," I say and she smiles. She goes towards the wardrobe and she shows me different outfits to choose from. When we're finally both dressed, we go towards the bathroom and do our make up and hair. I curled my hair a little and Cait straightened hers. "Ready to go?" she asks me. "Yeah, we're good," I say. We leave my house and we take her car, driving towards her friend's house.

"Does Evan know you're going out?" she asks me during the ride. "Ehm, no, why?" I ask her. "I don't know, maybe because you're going to a party where there are like thousand of hot, older, college guys," she smirks and I whack her arm. "Doesn't matter anyway, because he's out of town for the weekend," I tell her. "Oh, so we're going out behind is back," she says, even more smirking. "Just shut it," I chuckle. "Okay, okay," she laughs. She drives into a street and stops at the third house. She parks her car and we both step out of the car. "Wow," I say when I see the house. "Yeah, I know," Cait says. "Is it me, or is everybody that I meet rich lately?" I say and she chuckles. "Come on," she says, dragging me with her. We hear a lot of music and there are people on the front porch of the house. We pass them and go inside. The house is incredibly full. People are dancing, talking and drinking everywhere.

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