Will you?

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~ Four years later ~

Evan's POV 

During our four years in college Vanessa and I managed to keep our relationship stable. After we graduated, we decided to move in together, back in Denver. I've been working in my father's company, Davis & Morris, along with James. As soon as our fathers will retire, we will be owning that company together, just like our fathers did. Vanessa is been working into an elementary school, being the school counselor there. She hopes to be working in a high school later. 

It's end December and it's Christmas tomorrow. Vanessa is doing some errands with her mom for tomorrow's dinner at her parents. While she's arriving, I am paying a small visit to her father. I am going to ask her to marry me tonight, but as old fashioned as it sounds, I have to ask her hand to her father. I ring at the doorbell and he opens shortly after. 

"Evan, what a surprise," he says, a small smile on his face. "Hello, John," I smile at him. "Come in son, it's cold outside," he says and I enter. This house really hasn't changed a lot. It's like nothing has moved since we left for California. I follow him towards the living room and then we sit on two different couches. "So, what brings you here?" he asks me, crossing his legs. "I want to talk to you, about your daughter," I start, feeling slightly nervous. How am I supposed to ask that? I really should've rehearsed something to say. "What about her? She's okay, I hope," he says, tensing his muscles. "Yes, she's perfectly fine," I assure him and he relaxes. "I want to ask your permission to marry her," I simply say, going straight to the point. "You... You want to marry her?" he asks me. "Yes, I do," I tell him and see a small smile forming onto his face. "I'm sure that you're going to be a good and caring husband for her. I trust you," he tells me and I smile. "You can have my blessing."

"Thank you, so much," I say to him. "You're welcome, son," he chuckles. We both stand up and he gives me a small hug, patting my back. "I hope you two will be happy," he says and I nod. "Thank you," I smile at him. 


I start preparing everything for tonight. Vanessa and I decided to spend Christmas Eve with only the two of us. So, it's the perfect moment to ask her hand. I put the last few things on the table and then go to our bedroom. I take the black velvet box out of my jacket and open it one more time. I stare at the ring and try to get my courage together. "What's the worst that can happen?" I ask myself. "That she says 'no'," my subconscious mocks me and I quiet her. I close the little box and put a white ribbon around it, so that it looks like a gift, before putting it in my jeans pocket.

I go back towards the living room and sit down on the couch. A few moments later, I hear the front door open and go towards the hall. Vanessa is removing her gloves from her hands. "Hey, there you are," I greet her and she looks up at me. Her cheeks and her nose are still a light shade of pink, because of the cold and it looks so adorable. "Hey," she smiles. "Sorry that I'm late. Doing errands with my mom was a bit longer than I expected."

"No, it's okay," I say coming closer to her. I hold her by the waist and she puts her hands around my shoulder. "Were you outside for long?" I ask her. "Not really, but just the time to walk from the car till here and to find my keys," she tells me. "I can see it," I say, while touching her nose and she giggles. I remove her hat from her head and she takes off her jacket. I notice that she's wearing a dark blue dress with mid long sleeves that reaches the middle of her thighs. She's also wearing black tights and black high heels. "You're dressed fancy for doing errands," I say to her and she chuckles. "What? Don't you like it?" she ask, teasing me. "Of course I like it," I smirk at her and she giggles. I lean in to put my lips on hers and she circles her arms around my neck. I put my hands around her waist and pull her closer to me. Every time that I kiss her, touch her or just simply am with her, I thank God that she's mine. My love for her is unconditional and I know that she's the woman I want to marry.

When He CameDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora