Chapter 45

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Vanessa's POV

"Oh sorry, I didn't know you guys were in here," I hear Lisa say. I get out of my embrace with Evan and smile at her. "No, it's okay, did you need anything?" I ask her. "Yeah, I forgot my phone here," she says, taking her phone from my desk. She stares at me for a moment and I understand that I still haven't introduced Evan to her. "Uhm, Lisa this is my boyfriend Evan. And Evan this is Lisa, my brother's fiancé," I introduce them to each other. "Nice to meet you," Evan friendly smiles at her. "Nice to finally meet Vanessa's boyfriend," Lisa smiles at him. "Well, I'll let you guys talk."

She leaves my room and I'm left alone with Evan again. "What are you dong tomorrow?" he suddenly asks me. "Uhm, probably clean up," I chuckle. I'm sure that there will be enough things for me to clean up after the party. "Okay," he chuckles. "Uhm, probably also study."

"Study? For what?" he asks me, his eyebrow raised. "For the exams," I say, making it sound obvious. He starts to laugh, which makes me do the same. "What?" I chuckle. "Exams are not until at least two weeks," he says, still a bit laughing. "Yeah, I know, but I always study in advance," I say. "You're such a nerd," he chuckles. "And I'm proud of it," I say, with a big smile. "Whatever," he says, before kissing my cheek and standing up. "Are we going back?" he asks and I nod, before standing up and following him downstairs.


"Are you really going to study?" he asks me. "Yeah," I mumble, staying focused on my History book. I feel my mattress sink a little, indicating that he is sitting next to me.

He puts his head on my shoulder, looking over it at my book. "What are you doing?" I chuckle. "Nothing," he says, pecking my lips. It was supposed to be a small kiss, but I deepen it. "You're distracting me," I whisper. "But you like it," he whispers, before putting his lips back on mine. "Yeah, I do," I giggle. I put my book aside and nuzzle into his chest. "Yeah, that's better," he smirks and I chuckle. "If I fail it's your fault," I say, playfully whacking him on his arm. He slightly laughs and we stay like this for a while.

"What are you doing for Christmas?" I ask him. "Uhm, the usual just home, why?" he asks. "Would you want to spend Christmas with me this year? My mom will be there and yeah," I say. "Yeah, why not," he smiles at me. "Great," I smile. 


Tomorrow is my first exam and I only have to review a few pages before I'm done. "Okay, done," I smile, when I'm finally finished studying my Science exam. I hear a knock on my door and mumble a: "Come in."

"Hey, are you busy?" my father asks me. "No, I'm just finished studying, why?" I ask. "Uhm, we need to pick up your mom at the airport, she's arriving in an hour," he tells me. "What? I thought she was coming in a week," I say. "Yeah, but she decided to come earlier," he tells me. "Uhm, okay, well let me get my stuff and I'll be down in a minute," U tell him and he nods. He closes the door behind him and I get up from my desk and quickly go towards my wardrobe. I've been in my sweatpants all day, 'cause I didn't find it necessary to get dressed to only stay home and study all day. I take a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and quickly put them on. I take my Uggs and then put my hair in a ponytail, before going downstairs.

"Okay, we can go," I say as I take my jacket and bonnet. "Okay," he says. He takes his car keys and we leave the house. It's freaking cold outside. It is not snowing yet, but it's freezing as hell. We quickly get into the car and dad starts the motor.

"Dad?" I suddenly call for him, when we're halfway to the airport. "Uhu," he mumbles. "Does mom know?" I ask him. "Does mom know about what?" he asks me, slightly chuckling. "Uhm, about Courtney," I say, my voice small. "Uhm," he says and I can hear him silently gulping. "No, sh doesn't know yet."

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