Chapter 54

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Evan's POV 

"What happened to your face anyway?" James asks me, looking at the wounds on my face. "Oh yeah that," I mumble. "Vanessa's brother thought it was time to deform my face a bit."

"Oh, that's not great," he chuckles. "Dude, that isn't funny," I say trying to hold my laugh. "It kind of is," he says. "What a great friend are you," I say, being sarcastic. "No, but seriously Evan. I know you love her and I understand you want her back," he starts. "But maybe it's time to take some space."

"And how am I supposed to do that?" I sigh. "I don't know, just get your mind off of her. Go on a date with another girl," he tells me. "Yeah, maybe," I mumble. "I'll see."

"Yeah," he says. "Well, I need to go. Gotta go home." He quickly pats my shoulder and then leaves my room. 

Vanessa's POV

"Are you gonna stay here for long?" I ask my brother. "Till tomorrow," he replies and I smile. "I'm happy, I kind of miss you," I tell him. "I know you do and I miss you to Ness," he says, tapping my nose. "When is the wedding?" I ask him. "Not until May," he tells me and I nod, before brightly smiling. "I can't wait," I say, clapping my hands like a little child. "Me neither," he half smiles, his eyes glistering. "Have you guys already planned some stuff?" I ask him. "You should ask that to Lisa, she's deciding everything, I'm just helping," he chuckles. "That's so cute, you let her choose everything," I say with a high pitched voice. "But small tip, if she asks your opinion about something like, I don't know the color of the table cloths, never answer something like: 'It's all fine for me.' Because if you do that, she'll think you don't care."

"I'll remember that," he says and I chuckle. "How was Spain actually? I haven't asked you about it," he says. I start to tell everything I did there and he carefully listens. 

"When are you going to visit mom?" I ask him. "Probably after the wedding," he says and I nod, before my eyes widen. "Oh my gosh is your honeymoon going to be in Spain?" I ask him, but he just puts his finger on his lips. "Stays between us, okay?" he says and I nod, chuckling. 

"Oh yeah, Lisa and I decided that you are going to be one of the bridesmaids," he tells me. "Really?" I ask, my voice over excited. He nods and I embrace him into a hug. "Thank you!" I squeal and he chuckles. "Who's gonna be your best man, actually?" I ask him. "Riley," he replies. That's kind of logical, Riley has been his best friend since as long as I can remember.

"Cool," I say, trying to not blush at the mention of Riley's name. "Are you  hungry?" I ask him, noticing that it's almost 1pm. "Yeah," he says. "I'll make some lunch," I say, getting up from the couch and going to the kitchen. I start to prepare lunch for the both of us and when it's ready, I call for my brother. 

We eat together and after that, I do the dishes. "Is dad still with his girlfriend?" Drew suddenly asks me. "Uhm, yeah, I guess," I mumble. "You don't really like her, huh?" he asks and I shrug. "It's not that I don't like her, she's nice and stuff. But I just don't like the fact that she's with dad. It may sound selfish, but I just can't see him with her for a serious relationship," I tell him and he understandingly nods. 

"What do you think about her?" I ask him. "Uhm, I don't know. I haven't really had the time to get to know her," he says. It's silent for a moment and then Drew suddenly starts to chuckle. "What are you thinking about?" I ask, raising an eyebrow up at him. "What if dad and Courtney get married," he says and my eyes widen. "Then I hope with all my heart that Stanford accepts me, so that I can be far away from here as possible," I mumble and he slightly laughs. "I understand," he says and I chuckle, but my smile quickly fades after.

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