"Frenemy of my Frenemy"

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Phasma isn't taking any of Kylo's shit, and neither is Rey.

Some of the good guys are warming up to Ichara a tiny bit, and she might kind of like them too.

"Keep your grubby little force fingers off me, scavenger."


(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

Kylo was so livid that his mind was unable to process the magnitude of the white hot rage burning inside him. He made the return trip back to the Finalizer in silence, mind empty of thought, doing his best to sit and the controls and simply exist. If Rey had come with him, he wasn't entirely sure what would happen next- he hadn't really thought that far ahead. He just knew that he wanted her, and the fact that she literally slipped from his grasp was almost more than he could bear.

When his ship landed in the hangar Hux and his entourage were already waiting for him. He and Phasma were surrounded by a handful of his guards in what appeared to be an abandoned hangar. It seemed the General wanted to keep this incident as little-known as possible, no doubt viewing their actions as a direct disrespect to himself more than a security risk.

"What exactly did you two expect to accomplish by running off without informing a single kriffing person of where you were going? That's foolishly reckless behavior, Ren, even for you."

"You seem to forget that you answer to me, General, not the other way around."

The General's attention shifted, eyes searching the ramp behind him. "Where is she?"

Kylo shrugged. "I lost her. She was inept and captured. Likely dead."

"You lost her?" Hux balled his hands into fists as he approached him, voice rising to a shouting crescendo "You impetuous and absolutely incompetent cretin how in the hell do you just casually lose an entire person?! You-"

A flame of his rage flickered through a crack, leading Kylo to punch Hux in the face as hard as he could. The General fell to the ground, knocked unconscious on impact. His guards' hands moved to their holsters, but Phasma snatched her blaster forward brazenly aiming it directly at his face.

"That is enough."

Kylo stalked towards her slowly till the muzzle was inches from his face.

"Have you forgotten who your Supreme Leader is?"


Kylo had noticed the small shift in power dynamics since Canto Bight. Hux had suddenly become more comfortable in being blatantly disrespectful, using his guards to make the not so subtle point that they would obey Hux over him. Hux didn't do anything that didn't have some point to it, and he wondered what the end game of this new display was.

"What you're doing right now could be considered treasonous, Phasma."

"Would it?"

His eyes darted to the other elite guard, hands on their blasters, seemingly emboldened by Phasma's display. He felt trapped... he felt alone. He just realized that he'd abandoned the one single person that supported him on this ship. A moan from Hux broke the tension of the standoff.

"Let General Hux know that I'll debrief him once he's calmed down."

Phasma didn't respond, holding her blaster up for a moment more before lowering it and marching past him to help Hux to his feet.

Hux held one hand to his face, gently pressing the purpling bruise on his jawline, the other steadying himself on his shiny compatriot. His eyes followed Kylo as he left, a bloody smirk at the corner of his mouth. "I need to get to the bridge. It's time to send a squadron out to Balamin. Make sure to hand pick the worst pilots we have."

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