Chapter III - Legend's Desire

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Gods Mountains, HM. "Okay! Begin!" Hiro and his father begun their training. Hiro step back a little, Taro charge towards him, Hiro went to the right to dodge his father's attack, Taro cast an spell; "Fasitian Flash!" Hiro stops; "Contlermassive!" Taro continues to run towards to Hiro. Then he went to the left side of Hiro, he cast an spell again; "Grandelaxin!" Taro swing the wooden sword but hiro dodge it. "Gratizin!" Hiro attack his father, Taro couldn't move because Hiro is too fast. Taro surrendered; "I accept defeat". Lotia, Zess and Chaos were cheering for them, Taro talk to him; "You're getting stronger my son... Keep doing your best, it is the way to achieve your dream... wait what's your dream again?". He replied; "I want to be a ruler, to use the rules of the legends for good!", "Now that's a dream! Let's go, you'd better get a bath".

Yuran Castle, Moonlights. "Look Rodricks, Jane. Be careful, okay?", "Papa! I'm a big boy! I will protect lil sis", "Now that's a true Rams! Okay bye!", "Bye Papa!". Kres came to talk to the King John Rams the IV; "King John". John greeted him; "Sir Kres! How are you?", "I'm Good! How about you?", "Good as always" they laugh. "Your children is having fun alright", "Well, this is their playground", "That's nice, I want to discuss with you about something", "Sure!".

Darkness World. "How about we kill the King of High Mountains! We can use Xan Ju...", "I'll not agreed", "Well, this is your chance to save your child's life, Laiz", "Don't drag my son into this discussion, Lenue!", "Enough!!!", "Lord Lyon, do you have a plan?", "Yes! We wait and have fun".

HM Castle, High Mountains. "Again!?", "So many feast, Lots of birthdays and I don't know, Meeting I guess". Taro laugh; "look my sons, This is the feast where the Six Kingdoms came at peace", "You mean, the ruler is coming too?", "No Hiro, The ruler is fifty years dead", "So who owns the rules of the legends now?", "No one, Fifty years until now, They wouldn't find it. Only the chosen one can... Let's go?", "Yeah". Feast of sixty-nineth years peace. Safire, Opretion, Yuran, Greko and Porvis, Unite to celebrate this feast. Lots of foods, Too many people and candles. Hiro saw the girl again; "Dad, can i roam for a while?". He answered; "Sure, don't get too far, okay?", "Yes, dad" Hiro followed the girl, the girl noticed him already, she ran away, Hiro continued to following her; "Hey! Wait!". The girl replied; "stop following me!" She climb up the house. Hiro can't climb, so he cast an spell to get to the girl much faster; "Hirelgo!". The girl can't do anything she can't run. She grab her shoe and use it as a weapon; "What do you want?". He replied; "Woah! Chill, I'm not going to hurt you", "You're lying!", "No, no! I'm not. Look I'm just a kid like you", "You're a stone!", "Wait... how do you know that?", "Umm... I just feel it, okay! Stay away!". Hiro raise his both hand to prove her that he's not armed; "I'm not gonna hurt you... I don't have any weapons, see?" the girl drop her shoe and she wear it, then she ignored him. Hiro talk to her; "Have we met before?", "I don't know... I guess", "Who are you? What is your name?", "Jane... Jane Rams... Are you Kyno?", "Kyno? Sounds familiar... But no, I'm Hiro Victo Conzus". They talk a for a while; "So you are the king's son?... I gotta ask you a question". "What is it?", "What you said earlier, 'Have we met before'? Did you saw me or know me?", "I don't know either... by the time I saw you I keep saying the name 'Yuri'... Wait did you call me 'Kyno' earlier?", "Yes, why?", "Father told me about the Son of God of All and Daughter of God of Healers... Kyno the God of Sky, what they called him 'The Theory'. And Yuri the Goddess of Earth, what they called her 'The Faith'...", "Wow! You've got a big brain", "Okay, umm... nice to meet you-", "Yeah, thank you-", "Uhh... gotta go-". "Okay-", "Bye...", "Bye". Hiro went to his father and Jane ran to met her brother.

End of Chapter 3...

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