Chapter IV - Sword of Light

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When the celebration is over, Taro senses a dark power, he prepared his Mighty Warriors and Knights; "We're going to the South mountains" said Taro to the soldiers. They went to the South mountains, they saw hundreds of Xan Ju's Soldiers, they charge to the enemy. Taro cast an spell; "Gimniflight!". Taro defeated the army of darkness, they return to the Castle. Taro saw Hiro sitting on the fence, He is whispering about something, Taro walk towards him and saying; "Someone or something bothering you?". Hiro replied; "It's nothing", "You're lying Hiro... what is it?", "Did you know the girl named Jane Rams?", "Ahhh! The daughter of King John Rams, why? Do you like her?", "What? No! I'm just asking", "You're just asking? Well... this is the first time you ask me someone i know... and that someone you've asked is a Girl!" Then Taro laugh. "It's not funny!", "To be honest, that girl you asked. She's a good girl, honest and beautiful". Then, a soldier came up; "Your Highness! We have a report". He answered; "later, please". The soldier replied; "It's Important, your highness".

Taro went to the meeting. He saw the Kings and Queens from the different kingdoms; "What's all this?" He said. "The King of Moonlights is missing!" Said the king of Greko, Raphael Razere. "Went missing? He's with me yesterday" Said the Emperor of Opretion, Kres. "Shut it Kres! I knew that you're the suspect in this situation!" Said the King of Safire, Cyber Tropa. "Well! You Safirians, who have an anger of the Yuran's King!" Said the Queen of Opretion, Tera. "Don't blame my people! Kres is the last person who'd talk to King John!" Cyber said. Taro shout; "That's enough!..." They were silent; "...When was the last time you saw the King of Moonlights?" Said Taro. "Last night, King John had to meet someone important, I think it's a business" Said the King of Porvis, Aaron Geon. "How can you say that? Do you have a prove?" Cyber said. "I saw him last night..." Aaron begun to tell them what happened; "...We've arrived in the Yuran last night. I saw King John and another man with a tattoo of his neck. I tried to walk towards him but it's too dark. So I ignored it and then I'm helping my soldiers carrying the goods for the homeless people in Yuran", "Thanks for sharing your evidence, King Aaron" Taro said. Then a soldier came up; "sorry for interrupting, Your Highness", "What is it soldier!". The soldier replied; "there is an army of Darkness, coming towards to this castle", "Let's go" Taro and the Kings and Queens went out to fight the darkness army. "Taro! Any evidence of the Yuran's king?" Said the King of Natix, Leon Natix. "Nice to see you my friend... Aaron told what he saw". Then when the battle was over Kres yell at Cyber; "Hey you! You just slain 200? I slain 500". "Damn you!" Cyber said. Leon talk to Taro; "Those two! Everytime!", "Forget it... How did they known that we're here" Taro said. "Who else knew our meeting place?" Leon asked. Taro answered; "Protect the children of John, I'll take care of my brother".

Conzus Castle, Old Endland. Taro went there to met his brother; "Xan Ju! Come out! Or else I will destroy this Castle!" He shouted. He came out; "You'll destroy the beautiful creation of the great King Sinon? Oh come on Big brother, Conzus abandoned this castle for a long years and you did abandon our father-", "-Enough! Did you sent that army to Yuran?" Taro said. "Yes... No... maybe" Xan Ju answered. "Damn you!" Taro attack Xan Ju; "What's wrong Big Brother?" Then Xan Ju ran into a room; "Where are you!" Taro said. He saw Xan Ju carrying Hiro; "Ohh... Your sweet son... shhh... he's sleeping" he said. Xan Ju took Hiro's soul and divide it into two. The half one sent back to Hiro's Body and the half one has been cursed, Xan Ju created Darken Kyno; "This Child is the key to revive my son, Laiz" Xan Ju said to him. Taro cast 'Gratizin' to save Hiro and he cast 'Renelight', the half of the castle collapsed, Xan Ju fought Taro but Taro pull out the Sword of Light, and Taro stab Xan Ju; "sent me to the Darkness World? I will find you!" Xan Ju said. Taro replied; "Be my guess, Go to Darkness World!" Xan Ju disappear. "Let's go home, Hiro" Taro and Hiro went home, He carried Hiro until they get back into his room; "I love you, son" Taro whispered. Hiro slowly waking up, Taro went out to drink but there is a person sneaking into him; "I knew'd you're there" Taro said. He came out; "May I have a drink?" He said. They went in and Taro ask him; "So... any reports of the missing king? Kres...". Kres answered; "None, Taro... how's my sister?", "Lotia is safe, Kres" Taro said. Hiro was sneaking into the room and he heard their conversation; "When Hiro became a King, He will make this land safe" Taro said. Taro stand up and walk outside, then Kres pulled out his knife and stab Taro at the back; "It's an honour to be brother-in-law to you" Kres said. "Light will always win, Darkness will always suffer" Taro said and snap his finger, Kres sent into the Darkness world.

End of Chapter 4...

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