Chapter VI - The Reflectors

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Bunio Village, Opretion. Kres escaped through the course of the Darkness World, a shadow came out and talk to him; "Well, they knew'd your here... And his son heard your conversation" it said. He replied; "Sent every darkness troops you've got, even Xan Ju". It answers him; "Atleast you summon him, darkness will won, and I will grant your wish... to be the God of All" And then the shadow disappeared.

Juno Village, Gods Mountains. Hiro, Jane and Fox went to the Caster's house; "I knew you're there..." Jane was confused, He continued; "...Chaoo Ranzu!". Chaoo came down to greet them but he's drunk; "You know! Why father didn't want me to be the King of Blades?" Chaoo said. Fox whisper to Hiro; "Should I slap him?". Hiro answered; "Be my guess". Fox walk towards him and he slap him hard, Chaoo threw up; "Damn!". "I need you to accompany me to find Kres and find King John" Hiro said. Chaoo smiled and saying; "Okay one condition... Give me strength!".

South Village, High Mountains. Fox shouts; "Nhyx Victo!" Nhyx threw a wood right into Fox's face; "Damn you! Get out of there!", "No I won't, piece of crap!" She said. Fox replied; "watch your mouth, young lady!", "Let me try" Chaoo said. Chaoo started to talk; "are you-" Nhyx threw a wood again; "Don't continue it" she said. "Crap! That hurts! You stupid brat!". Hiro threw a rock at her; "aw! Crap!" She said and she came out, then she saw Hiro, she quickly ran down into him and then she hug him; "Nice to see you too, dear cousin" he said. They talk about the plan; "No! That doesn't work out!" Nhyx said. "How can you say that!" Fox replied. Chaoo respond; "How about... nothing". Nhyx quickly replied; "If uncle Taro were here..." they look at her and Hiro, she apologize; "...sorry, Hiro", "We need more members, do you know one?" He asked them. Chaoo raise his hand; "i know one".

Thunder Town, Strenroy. They went into the Castle of Strenroy where the King of Blades lives. "High Mountainians! Yuranians! What brings you here!" Said the King of Blades, Kiname Ranzu. Kiname saw Chaoo; "Dad! Long time-" but Kiname ignored him, Chaoo went to his brother's room; "Githame! I'm happy to see you, brother" Chaoo said. "I'm glad you're safe" Githame replied. "I'd like you to met..." Hiro came in; "...Hiro Conzus", "A Conzus?... I... am... You're supporter!... I mean sir! It's an honour to meet you" Githame said, he prepared his hand to shake hands with him. Chaoo whisper to him; "He wanna shake your hands". Hiro shaked Githame's hand; "I need you" Hiro said. Githame answered; "I'm in!", "You are?".

Limyus Village, Natix. Hiro and his friends went there to fetch someone. "Why are we here?" Jane said. "To fetch someone, pretty girl!" Nhyx said to her. Fox pat Nhyx on the head; "Hey, hey! That's enough Nhyx". They were arrived, Hiro knock the door, and then the boy came to see who's outside. "Hey, What's up, Velks". Velks let them in to his house; "what is it?" Velks said. Hiro replied; "I need you". Velks prepared a tea for them; "You need me for what?" He said. Hiro answer him; "To find Kres" Velks laugh, they were shocked. "You want me to find Kres?" Velks said to Hiro. "Not just you, come with us" Hiro replied. Velks walk into him; "Sign me up!".

While they're walking at Ren Village, High Mountains. Velks sense of a persons; "Be prepared!" He said. There were two persons, a Human and a Demi-God/Stone. The stone attack Velks, Hiro can't see his face because he's in shadow form. "Die you!" said the stone. Velks replied; "Long time no see, Chaos".

End of Chapter 6...

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