Chapter 6

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         Laf didn't know how long he could stand the tension.

"Talk to her," he ordered John, who was gazing at Aisle Seat Girl again.

John snapped out of his trance. "What? No! I can't. Not yet."

"Why not?" asked Hercules.

"It needs to be at an opportune moment."

"Just do it, man, Alex told him bracingly, punching his arm.

"I don't know where to begin. What do I say?" John leaned against a maple tree and raised an eyebrow. "Ya like jazz?"

"I know you meant that as a joke, but that's actually a pretty good pick up line," Alex observed. "Can I use that?"


Laf noticed Aisle Seat Girl look at John for the fifth time, and that was it. "I'm done," he announced.

Hercules and Alex seemed to be thinking along the same lines, because the next thing John knew, his three friends were hauling him over to Aisle Seat Girl. They shoved him into the clearing where she stood with two other girls, and then they ran.

"Think it'll work?" asked Alex.

"Fingers crossed," Laf replied. 

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