Chapter 21

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Aaron walked into the party like a man on a mission. He had received a text from Elizabeth Sanders informing him that Theodosia had broken up with her boyfriend, and he was well on his way to ask her out.

He and Theodosia had met, ironically, at a summer camp in third grade. Even though they went to different schools, their friendship survived through postal correspondence and the occasional summer meet-ups until sixth grade. Then they had texting and Facetime, making it a lot easier to stay in touch. Aaron had started liking her as more than a friend when he was eleven, and she'd always seemed to correspond. However, when they were thirteen, she revealed that she had begun a relationship with an intelligent boy called Jacques. It had broken his heart, but he had supported her and been there for her when she was confused about whether or not she really wanted this relationship. She had once told Aaron that she mostly started dating Jacques because she wanted to see what it was like to have a boyfriend. So, now that Jacques was out of the picture, Aaron was ready to make his move.

"Theodosia," he called to his crush, who was tapping her foot to the beat of Starships as it blasted from the speakers. Her phone vibrated noisily in her pocket, and she frowned before looking up at Aaron.

"Hey, Aaron," she said cheerfully. "What's up?"

The phone vibrated again, but she ignored it.

"I heard about the breakup," he told her.

"Yeah, thank heavens I got that over with," Theo rolled her eyes.

The phone vibrated a third time, and she yelled, "OH, SCREW IT!" before throwing it across the room.

Turning back, she asked, "Hey, how would you like to go out with me, Aaron?"

"I-um-" this caught him off guard. "Like, as a couple?"

"Yeah," she said simply.

"I would like that."

"Me too."

She was beamed up at him, the disco lights illuminating her hundred-watt smile. There was a brief moment of panic for Aaron as he wondered where to go from here, but he decided to start one step at a time.

He held out his hand to her. "Would you like to dance, Theo?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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