Chapter 12

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Angelica smiled down at her phone. It was late into the night, but Thomas was texting her anyway. On the bunk next to her, Eliza was telling them all the things she had learned about Alex, including the fact that he was from the Caribbean, he was a Conservative without a political party, and he wanted to have a legacy.

"He says he wants to make his mark on this world," she informed them.

Peggy yawned. "That's all good and well, but should we get to bed now?"

"You're right. Let me just use the bathroom."

Eliza got up and left.

Peggy turned to Angelica. "Okay. We need to talk."

"What about?" asked Angelica, switching off her phone.

"I know what your deal is with Alex."

Angelica's heart sunk. Would she tell Eliza?

"How?" she asked simply.

"I saw you talking to him from the games room, and I recognize the shining in your eyes when he talks to you. Don't worry, I won't tell Eliza," she added as she noticed the misery written all over Angelica's face.

"Then why confront me?" Angelica was confused.

"Because I noticed that you also like Thomas," Peggy attempted to clarify.

Intrigued, Angelica sat up a little straighter. "Explain, please."

"Well, truces aside, those two are enemies. You realize that, right?" Peggy waited for her to connect the dots.

"So?" Angelica still didn't understand. "I can have a crush on two enemies. I'm not obligated to-"

"I'm not saying you're obligated to do anything," Peggy shook her head. "This isn't about that. Angelica, don't you see? They both kinda have a thing for you, and one of them would end up seriously upset if you led him on only to choose his enemy over him!"

"Oh," Angelica felt bad for trying to make this about herself when there were other feelings to consider. "Well, I wasn't planning on going for Alex."

"You were maintaining the possibility," Peggy said shrewdly, "in case Eliza decided she didn't like him."

"Okay, okay," Angelica put her hands up in mock surrender. "But I have Thomas now."

Peggy was uncharacteristically serious as she looked Angelica dead in the eyes. "And, Eliza aside, you're absolutely sure that this is the best decision for you?"

"Yes," Angelica answered thoughtfully. She didn't understand what all the fuss was about. She liked Alex, but she liked Thomas more, so what was the problem?"

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