Chapter 1

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  Hennepin County, minnesota. That's where our story takes place. Well, not like a story, more like a life journey. A difficult one; to be precise.

      Lucys POV:
"linus! You better do your chores before leaving! Otherwise I'll slug you!" I watched my brother roll his eyes, he took his hand from the front door knob. "I promise to do then when I get back! I have to go see Sally right now, she'll be upset if-" I sighed, my little brother who once despised the little blonde haired girl down the street; now concerned and in love with her. I waved my hand, giving him the "shoo" gesture. He smiled happily, hugging me tightly before running out the door. "Stupid brother.." I mumbled to myself, picking up dirty clothes and doing Linus's chores.

                      ~Time Skip~

The next morning and Linus still wasn't back, I figured he slept over at Charlie browns. I would normally be okay with it, but it was Monday and Linus has proven difficult to wake up in the past. I sighed and slipped on a tight pretty blue dress, along with a heavy black coat over top. I grabbed my things, walking out and down the sidewalk. "Hey Lucy!" I turned to see Peppermint Patty and her girlfriend Marcy. They recently came out about being together, which everyone accepted. "Oh, hey guys.." I smiled weakily as they walked along beside me. "You don't look too good Lucy.." Marcy pointed out. "Rough night, huh?" Peppermint patty cocked a brow. It was true, it WAS a rough night; I barely slept. "Yeah, just trouble sleeping..thats all" we eventually made it to school, the highschool doors wide open, inviting us into hell. "Can you believe we're already in our Junior year sir?" Marcy exclaimed to Patty. "Nah babe, I cant" she chuckled. I envy couples like them; couples like my brother and Sally; Charlie and Heather. I clenched my books, heading to my locker.

     Schroeder POV:
Linus and Charlie would not shut up about their girlfriends, they basically kept me pinned up against the wall. I finally couldn't take it; "guys, I'm going to the auditorium!" I shoved past them, waving a lazy goodbye as I made my way down the hall. Without paying attention I slammed into something, knocking it to the floor. "Ah!" I looked down, noticing it was a girl. "...oh wow, I'm sorry Lucy..are you okay..?" I extended a hand, which she hesitantly took. "Yeah. Thanks Schroeder.." She dusted herself off, hiding a red face. "Um. I should go.." She bent down to pick up her hat, causing a loud *rip* to emerge. She gasped, quickly raising up. "Lucy.?" I cocked a brow, genuinely confused. She trembled with nervousness as she removed her jacket slightly, searching for the damage. For the life of me, I couldn't keep my eyes off of her thighs and hips; I felt like I might explode. "Okay!" I grabbed her and zipped up her jacket frantically. "I can fix the...tear..-" her face was completely red, her eyes stared back into mine with shock. I looked down to notice my arm still firmly around her waist. "Agh!" I released her quickly. "J-just come to the auditorium! I c-can fix it there..." I quickly walked past her, avoiding eye contact.

        Lucy POV:
I haven't had a crush on Schroeder since middle school ended, after all the years of rejection I just finally gave up. But him touching me the way he did...agh! I could tell my face my tomato red as I hurried down the hall, bursting through the huge stage doors. I contemplated just going to class like this, my jacket covered it anyway, so why am I here? Just as I was about to turn around, I heard a voice approach me. "Just have a seat Lucy.." He sounded shaken up and anxious, I brushed it off. I did as I was instructed and took a seat on a wheely chair, Schroeder pulled up a stool next to me. "Sorry about earlier...I should have been paying attention.." He sat a stitch kit down on the table in front of us. "It's no worries..I was kind of out of it myelf." He nodded, not saying a word as he prepared the needle and thread. "Where is the rip..?" He asked finally. "Oh..." My face turned red again. I unzipped my jacket, revealing the rather large rip; it revealed my upper thigh; thankfully it didn't reveal my panties fully. "I-I can just wear the jacket over don't-" he placed his steady hand on my thigh, steadily stitching up the rip. "It's the least I can do...." His voice stayed low, as if he was concentrating. I bit my lip, looking the other way to hide my blush as he moved around on my thigh. "Done." He raised up, quickly putting away his kit and standing up. "See you around!" He hurried off, and before I knew it; I was alone in the big auditorium. 

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