Chapter 7

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Lucy POV:
I made it my goal to get through the day, all I had to do was avoid Schroeder and Charlie Brown until my "audition". "Oh, hey Luce." I sighed, shutting my locker to be faced with none other than Charlie. "Oh..hey." I responded blunty, attempting to leave it at that and get to class. "Wait!" My wrist was grabbed, a force pulling me back harshly as I struggled to keep my balance. "Hey! Let go of me you blockhead!" I jerked away from him, only to be pushed hard against the lockers. By this time, everyone had quickly gotten to class. It was just me, him and the many emotions screaming in my head. "I can't let you go Lucy, not until you accept me.." He brought his face closer, his lips puckered. "Ugh! Charlie Brown!" I struggled, but his grip tightened even more. "Kiss me Lucy..~" as I shut my eyes tightly to prepare for the unwanted contact, it never came. Charlies grip on me was soon gone in a jerking motion. I opened my eyes to see him on the floor, covering his eye. "What the fuck Schroeder!?" Charlie growled. Huh? I looked over to my right, sure enough..there he stood. His face looked serious and mad, it made my body tremble. "Don't ever touch her again, you hear me!?" Schroeder snapped, causing me to jolt. His gaze finally landed on me, his expression softened as he came closer. "Lucy...are you ok-" I nodded frantically, shoving past him and walking quickly down the hall. Thank you, schroeder..

Schroeder POV:
I watched as Lucy rounded a corner, her heel clicks fading out. I sighed, turning back to see that Charlie Brown had gone to. Bastard, don't lay a hand on her. I stuffed my hands back in my pockets and walked out of the school, it was my free period after all. I usually spent this time practicing for the upcoming Musical, but I wouldn't dare try to concentrate on that now. Why did I get so mad..? I shouldn't care about her. Right? "Schroeder!" I spun around, quite surprised. "Oh..hey Wendy." I blushed lightly, I've had a crush on her since elementary. "What are you doing out her?" She walkes up to me, her face smiling a cute. I averted my gaze, choking on my own words. "Um..f-free period.." I managed to choke out. She smiled gleefully, gripping my hands with her smaller ones. "Me to! Shall we go get something to eat? Or perhaps just go to the park..?" My face grew hot as I looked at our interlocked hands, "um..s-sure?" I gulped. She giggled, leading me down the street and into town. I like Wendy...

Lucy POV:
Finally the end of last period, as the bell rang to dismiss everyone I hesitated slightly. I have to...perform. I had almost forgotten ever since the whole Schroder and Charlie fiasco. I sighed heavily and straightened out my bright red shorts, making my way to the auditorium. "Hey Lucy!" A cheerful voice boomed as I entered the large theatre. "Hi Claire." I gave a weak smile as she hooked my mic up on my shirt. "I know you feel nervous, but you can do it!" She lead me to the stage stairs, shoving me along. "Everyone will be here in a minute, just warm up!" She smiled and giddily made her way up to the booth. I sighed, looking out into the now empty crowd, the lights slightly blinding me. "We're here!!!" A rather large lady burst through the double doors, a pack of students following her. "Ooh Claire, is the the lovely girl I was told about?" The teacher questioned, taking a seat in the front row. "Yes ma'am!" Said a loud voice that came over the theatre intercom. "Well, show us what ya got!" She demanded, the students sitting beside her and eagerly waiting. "Wait!!" Yet another figure burst through the doors, "me and Schroeder are back! Now you can start!" Wendy came forth, dragging him by his to a few seats as they say down. I made eye contact with him, it made my stomach turn nervously. "O-okay..." I looked up to the booth and nodded to Claire, suddenly the music started.

"I've gotta keep the calm before the storm
I don't want less, I don't want more
Must bar the windows and the doors
To keep me safe, to keep me warm

Yeah, my life is what I'm fighting for
Can't part the sea, can't reach the shore
And my voice becomes the driving force
I won't let this pull me overboard

God, keep my head above water..."

I finished and everyone clapped, even..schroeder. I bowed awkwardly, giving a nervous laugh. "How splendid! Now we must test the chemistry of the now new lead roles!" The teacher clapped, all the students agreeing. Chemistry!? With who? "Nick!" The teacher snapped, a rather tall boy stood up, he had fluffy ebony hair and very handsome face. Also What!? "Cool." He simply stated with a smirk, slowly making his way towards me. Oh god..

Schroeder POV:
Nick walked past me, causing me to grit my teeth and clench my fist. I despised him, he has absolutely no talent and yet he was chosen to be lead because he is "handsome" I huffed as he went up on stage, standing very closely to Lucy. Wait, what? My cheeks burned hot, dont. Touch. Her. "Now! Nick, show her the kiss scene!" Mrs. Rowler demanded. W-what!?

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