Chapter 9

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    Lucy POV:
As my alarm clock went off, all I could do was stay under the covers, not wanting to face the world. "Luce? You comin..?" The voice of my younger brother chimed from my bedroom door. "N-no..I don't feel well.." I heard a small sigh as foot steps grew closer to me, the covers were thrown off of me. "I know you have been having a hard time Lucy.." I was met with my brothers sympathetic eyes as he stared down at me. "But this is not the solution.." I sighed, realizing he was right. I raised up, my hair a frizzy mess and my clothes all wrinkled. "Get ready, please?" Linus gave me a weak smile before walking out and shutting the door behind him. I sighed, dragging myself from the bed and to my closet. I decided on a pair of ripped blue skinny jeans and a red crop top. I adjusted my hat atop my head and flung my coat around my shoulders. I really don't wanna do this today. I exited my bedroom, slipping on some red converse before making my way downstairs. "Finally! Lets go!" Linus exclaimed, grabbing my wrist and yanking me out the front door.

    Schroeder POV:
I stood at my locker, it was still really early and class hadn't started yet. I decided to make my way over to Wendy. "Oh, hey Schroeder!" She waved gleefully with a cute smile. I blushed slightly as she shut her locker. "Jake!" She shouted happily, dashing past me and into the arms of another guy. I cocked a brow, who the hell is he? "Schroeder, this is my boyfriend, Jake! He goes to a different school district." She pecked his cheek as he chuckled. I stuffed my hands into my pockets. "Cool" I turned around, making my way down the hall and rounding a corner. Damnit! I hauled off and punched a locker, recieving a few glares from passing students. I sighed, sliding down the wall and sitting on the floor. Of course the girl I love, loves someone else. I ran my hands through my hair, placing my face in my knees. The bell rang, I heard other mumbling and walking past me as they made their ways to class. "Um, Schroeder..?" That voice, so sweet.. "Lucy..?" I raised my head, seeing that I was right. Her dark waves resting over her shoulders and her chest. My attention was drawn to her crop top, it showed her belly button and defined her slim figure. "Uh..Schroeder, can you move? This is my locker.." I quickly jolted up, "s-sorry.." She opened her locker, grabbing a few books before shutting it again. She stepped closer to me, bringing her hand to my face, "don't cry. Ok?" She wiped my tears with her small hand before walking off, making her way into the biology room. My face turned hot and red as I put my hand to my cheek. I-I like Lucy.

    Lucy POV:
"Lets all go get lunch at that new nearby cafe!" Marcie cheered her suggestion as she looked to the rest of the group. "Im in, you guys?" Peppermint Patty looked to me and Claire. We both nodded, Marcie hopped up, grabbing Pattys hand and walking out of the school as we tagged behind. "So, Luce.." Claire nudged my shoulder as we walked. "Yea..?" I looked to her puzzled. "About that kiss with Schroeder-" I cut her off with a glare, "it didn't mean anything." She went wide eyed. "Jeez okay..I was only joking..ok?" I sighed, my expression going soft. "Hey.." She rested her arm around my shoulders, "did something happen between you two after that..?" Her question made my heart sink. Something did happen. "Its nothing...I just know he doesnt like me like that.." Claire removed her and shrugged. "Whatever you say Luce." We entered the cafe, taking a big booth next to the window and ordering lunch.

                         *Time Skip*

For the most part, lunch was pretty good with the girls, considering how Claire mentioned the kiss. I was making my way home, usually I would walk with Linus and Sally to her house, but Charlie Brown is there. I shivered at the thought of him. All of a sudden I felt a heavy coat rest on my shoulders. What the?- I turned to see Schroeder. "I'm sorry I ruined your kiss with Nick.." His expression was sincere yet very sad. "I'm just hoping we can be friends..?" Without even thinking, I flung myself into his arms. Wrapping myself around his torso. His arms hesitantly went around my waist as he hugged me back. "Are you okay Lucy...?" This question made me break into tears. "N-no..." I sniffled as he lifted my chin to make me face him. "Hey! P-please don't cry..I hate seeing you cry.." He wiped my tears away as our eyes locked. "S-schroeder...?" He brought his face closer, he gently placed his lips on mine. W-wait..what!?

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