Jamilton (Prison AU)

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Modern Prison AU
Suggestion by
Imagine the prison cell like this but instead of having the stereotypical bars it's a beige door with a window like modern U.S. prisons

3rd POV

"Jesus Christ, Alex, your mouth is gonna get you killed one of these days." Thomas said rolling his eyes at his cellmate and secret lover Alexander Hamilton. The two met when Alex was admitted to this prison for physical assault (he may have punched him; it's a blur.) and got paired with Jefferson as cellmates. Alex got his ass whopped a time or two, before Thomas had sympathy and started protecting him from the gangs in the prison.

See, Thomas was young but very well respected in the prison. He wasn't in any gangs and he didn't need nor want to be. He was here to finish his drug charge sentence and then leave.

Soon the two caught feelings for each other in the process and began a very private but very intimate relationship.

But see, Alex had gotten a bit comfortable and started talking a bit of trash to one particular inmate. And Thomas had to break up the confrontation before Alex would have been beaten up again.

"Thanks, I get that a lot." He said in a sarcastic tone despite the fact many people have told him that. "Anyways, he was trying to act all big and bad, so I just gave him a piece of my mind!"

"Yeah? And he was about to give you a piece of his fist!"

Alex rolled his eyes and jumped down from his (top) bed, standing next to Thomas's bed. He was lying on it.

"Well what does it matter now? It's over isn't it?" Said Alex. Thomas sighed heavily and sat up, feet on the floor. "I don't think you understand. That mouth of yours is making you more and more of a target, and every time I swoop in to save you, not only do we raise suspicions about the two of us, but I lose respect little by little, and eventually I wont be able to protect you anymore. So do us both a favor and keep that trap of yours shut." He said in a harsh whisper tone.

Alex went silent. He looked down at the floor.

"..I'm sorry.. I take you for granted.."

Thomas sighed but smiled and stood up. He placed his hands on his waist as he pulled him a little closer, then placed a kiss on his forehead. He only showed affection of any sorts when they were alone. Outside their cell he was cold and non chalant. But inside he was a romantic alluring charmer that made Alex weak in the knees.

"I'm sorry for getting mad." He kissed his nose and pulled him into a hug. Alex immediately hugged back- he always takes advantage of every little bit of affection Thomas expresses. And Thomas knows this. He wished he could express his affection more often but one, they're in prison and two, he still has some emotional barriers he's dealing with which resulted from his abusive upbringing.

Thomas hugged him tightly. Alex rested his chin on his chest and looked up at him smiling. "It's alright..." He went quiet and just stared into his eyes. Thomas smiled.


"Oh, nothing.. Just was thinking about those creamy chocolatey jewels that you call eyes.." He smiled.

Thomas scoffed and petted his lover's locks. "So that mouth of yours can do more than just fight." He commented.

"Oh my mouth can do a number of things." He coaxed with a smile and wink making Thomas smirk.

"Oh yeah? What else can it do?"

This was a normal thing for them when they were alone. Kissing, making up after an argument or for something that happened outside of the cell; flirting, be it romantic or sexual.

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