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Just a heads up this is kinky punishment.

Enjoy this garbage.

Third Person POV

An autumn night welcomes the chatter of guests and the clinking of champagne glasses through out the manor that belonged to the Schuyler family. A dinner was being held this evening to celebrate the coming season, and friends and family were gathered at their large table to celebrate a September banquet- they held these banquets at least once every two months.

Among those guests were two lovers- Marquis de Lafayette and Hercules Mulligan. They were friends to the Schuyler sisters- especially Margarita (though we like to call her "Peggy). They were also good friends of two other guests, Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens. The latter would hang out often, spending their days together lounging in local coffee shops or perhaps in a rollerskating arena or maybe just crashing at one of their places. The two older sisters usually tag along as well.

Now the two lovers were enjoying their dinner along with everyone else at the table; chowing downing on their roasted ham and macaroni and cheese. Night. whilst enjoying the conversation at the table. Though soon Lafayette's mind started to wonder. He stared at Hercules quiet and lost in thought as he and the others spoke of the coming school season (all but Alex and Peggy have graduated college by now) and dogs in wigs.

He started thinking back to the past week; to how much he has teased him throughout the week- how he would get him hard and leave him needy. How he'd grope him in public when no one was looking, or whenever he would talk dirty to him and make him redden and flustered without a resolution.

And he wanted to get back at him for it.

With his right hand he used his fork to play with his spaghetti, and placed his left hand on his mid thigh. Hercules raised a brow but thought nothing of it; twas a small sign of affection is all, similar to that of held hands. But after a moment or so his hand started to seemingly unknowingly trail up his thigh.

Hercules tensed at the feeling and cleared his throat, trying to subtly tell him to stop. Lafayette bit back a smile and kept going- the others completely unaware of the interaction as they mused on about stories from their college years.

Lafayette then took the opportunity and quickly but calmly palmed him. Hercules almost dropped his spoon but reestablished his grip and cleared his throat a bit louder. He sent a sharp yet subtle glare to him that read "Keep it up and see what's gonna happen." But accorded to the amused look in Lafayette's eyes, that's not gonna happen anytime soon.

Hercules tried to close his legs but that only secured his hand which encouraged him to continue.

Peggy glanced over at the latter and tilted her head. "Hey, you alright Herc?", she asked using te affectionate nickname they all refer to him as, "you seem a little tense." He gulped but smiled. "Nah,it's- it's nothing. I was just daydreaming." She nodded smiling, completely oblivious to the hitch in his breath from when Lafayette palmed him harder.

Hercules soon had enough and he forcefully pulled his hand out- with the assistance of Lafayette deciding to give him a break. But that doesn't change the fact that Hercules was hard.

Throughout the dinner Lafayette teased him by palming him under the table, winking at him and "accidentally" dropping his fork under the table to grope him more. All of which pushed Hercules' patience.

The butler and his young assistant came out with the dessert and began serving the guests. Marquis decided to take the teasing to a new level. When the young assistant came round to Hercules and Lafayette with two platters of key lime pie, Lafayette gave a not so subtle wink to the young male, making him blush.

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