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Requested by IAmPotato0493
Historical AU
This was actually really fun to write lol
Im gonna make this into a book!!


Samuel walked to the front of the deck of the moving ship, taking in the scent of the salty sea. There was light mist in the air which made it a little hard to see at first, but eventually, it cleared up and he smiled at what he saw.

Great Britain.

The wind that guided the ship and befriended the seagulls above ran through his ginger locks, a refreshing feeling from his stuffy quarters. Excitement rushed through him as the ship approached the shore.

He caught a ship to Britain to visit his secret lover, King George III.

Now, anyone unaware of their relations would think he was a madman if he said it out loud. An affair with the King? The King of ENGLAND? Surely, the King would never be that of a homosexual, right? And even if Samuel was a maiden, how could the King stoop to the level of a commoner?

Surely the King is much more interested in some princess or queen in a neighboring country, right?

Well, wrong.

George and Samuel had met two years ago. Samuel was introduced to the King as an assistant to the ambassador for New York Church. Their connection was almost instant, the ginger's eyes and shyness catching the attention of the royal. The King called him into a room to speak with him, for the man interested him. They spoke for hours until it was time to return to their quarters, and this would go on for a few days before the King declared his interest for the man, which Samuel happily returned. And many would think "Well isn't that quite fast?" Well, yes. But they didn't care. And their relations strengthen through their letters which captivated their attention every time.

Samuel hadn't seen him for nearly a year, and this is his first visit alone. He had received a whole royal invitation so that the servants and everyone who worked in the castle knew he was a special and very important guest. They probably will assume that he has become the ambassador of the New York Church, but he is still a trustful assistant and bishop to the actual ambassador, who Samuel lied to and said he was visiting family in Britain. He prayed for forgiveness afterward.

In fact, there were many times where Samuel felt ashamed and often embarrassed for his sexual feelings. He is a bishop after all- he shouldn't be having impure lustful thoughts, especially towards other men. Right?

Even when he started his relationship with George he felt like he was doing something wrong. Every kiss, every letter, every dinner, every thought he had of George, he felt warranted a prayer for forgiveness. But as of recently, he hadn't been as sincere in his prayers for forgiveness. And he also hadn't been praying as much as before; sometimes he'd only pray at mealtime on the ship while accompanied by a small platter of bread, milk, and sometimes cheese. He thought of George quite often; whether it's his kisses or hugs or smiles... whether he fantasizes about spending all day resting with him not worrying about royal duties, or to waltz with him or to even become intimate with him (which, though he'd never admit it out loud, he had a few dreams about). He had started to feel less bad about his feelings. He had come to the realization that he couldn't change how he felt. He just had to accept it.

Before he knew it, the ship was docked at the shore and the ramp was already let down. He smiled wider and trotted off the ship, his shoes clicking with the old familiar city pavement that he was greeted with every visit. He took a deep breath before exhaling in satisfaction.

He was home.

All he had on him were the clothes on his back and his bag that had some spare clothes, soap, and a bible. He didn't have much, but he didn't need much. The trip was six weeks long; the quickest time for a ship to cross the Atlantic. But while the journey was fast, he caught the cheapest boat which meant there was very little food. But he persisted, knowing he would get to eat good castle food.

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