Chapter 1

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The year was 1992. One year after an terrorist attack happend at the Regis Prep School for boys. Billy Tepper was the leader of the group, then came Joey Trotta, then Jonathan Bradberry, but everyone called him Snuffy, then Ted, Ricardo, Hank, Yogurt, and Yogurt's girlfriend, Emily, I had to tag along because I was dating Billy. The group eventually moved out of that old, crummy school, and went to look for a house in New Jersery, since they were old enough to buy a house for themselves, Billy decided to bring the rest of the crew with him to New Jersey and look for an apartment there. Joey came across this old, abandoned house that looked really cool, he showed Billy and the others, and they all agreed to move in. "Ew, Joey why would you out of everyone pick this place?" Yogurt said, rolling his eyes, Emily shuddered. "Bitch, I'd starve myself before coming in here. Y'all won't see me in this crappy ass place." she threatened. "Nah, you'd be up Yogurt's ass before you left." I joked, "Yeah, I bet young Yogurt here, would like that." Joey letting out the biggest belly laugh, patting Yogurt on his shoulder. Yogurt being the 'baby' of the group, everyone picked on him, so you had to expect something out of one of the guys' mouths. "Shut the frick up before I get the duct-tape and tape your mouth shut, Joey." Yogurt said, playfully hitting Joey, and Joey yelling at him to stop. "Guys, we gotta find somewhere to live, and if not, we'd have to go back to Regis. You wouldn't want that, would you?" Billy asked, looking at Joey and Yogurt. "Billy, I can help patch the place up if you want, since it looks like a pigsty and nobody likes the house that much." Snuffy sarcastically said. "Sure, Snuffy." Snuffy gasped, "THEN CAN WE ALL LIVE IN HERE!?" jumping up and down, excitedly. "No. Absolutely not, the fuck, Snuffy!?" Emily said, cutting Billy off. "Damn Yogurt, get a grip on your girl. I didn't know she had an attitude." "Stop it, Snuffy. Em, come with me." Yogurt tugs on Emily's arm and she follows without hesitation. When they all stopped fighting and bickering with one another, Billy, Snuffy, Ricardo, Hank, Yogurt, Emily, Joey, and I ended up sleeping in the empty, creepy, abandoned house with nothing but the clothes on our backs.

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