Chapter 3

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"Billy, stop tickling me!" I pleaded, squriming to get out of his grip. "Nope, not gonna happen." Billy laughed hard, harder than when he usually does. "Please." I pleaded harder, laughing as I pleaded. "I said no." Billy laughed again, a belly laugh this time. "William. Please stop." I begged, using his actual name so he'd get the hint. He kept tickling me up to my sides, and on my stomach. "I'm gonna kick you, and it's not gonna be fucking pretty. Stop." I urged. Billy finally gave in to stopping, and he helped me up. "Thank you, I appreciate it." I chuckled. Snuffy walked in the room. "Oooh. Get her, Billy." he teased. "I'm out." I said, "Thanks for offering, though, Snuff." I walked in the kitchen, making myself a salad and then eating some. "You know where Emily and Yogurt's at?" Snuffy asked Joey, "They're in the basement, probably fucking." Snuffy gasped at the thought of Yogurt not being so innocent. "Cut the cheese, THEY'RE A THING AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME?" Joey chuckled, "See for yourself." Snuffy goes down to the basement with a plate of homemade cookies. "Yogurt, I made some cookies for you." Snuffy tried opening the door but it was locked. "Yogurt, open the damn door." No answer. "Please." Still no answer, so Snuffy came back upstairs and grabbed a paper cup, put it on the door, and started listening. "Yogurt, stop moaning." Emily laughed, somehow, Snuffy found an axe, and undid the door from it's hinges. "Now you have no door. Hahaha." Yogurt looked at Snuffy, back to Emily and then whimpered in bewilderment, gets off the bed and gasped at Snuffy, ran after him with a baseball bat, then Snuffy ran upstairs, tripping down them before he could get hit. "Why'd you unhinge the damn door, Snuffy!?" "Joey said to do it." Snuffy accused. Billy followed me to the kitchen where they all were. "What'd you do?" I glared at Snuffy. "Unhinged Yogurt's door off the hinges." he couldn't contain himself, laughing the biggest belly laugh. "Good job." I high-fived Snuffy. "Snuffy, put the door back on the hinges, are you stupid? give 'em privacy, it's what they deserve." Billy objected, with a little chuckle. "The look on their faces were priceless. You should've seen it." Snuffy laughed again, quieter this time. Yogurt's face was getting red from embarassment, going back downstairs and trying to get his door back on the hinges. "Do you want help with that?" Snuffy asked. "No, I could do it on my own, thank you." "Lemme help you, I was the one who got it off." Snuffy helps Yogurt with the door, and comes back upstairs to apologize to Emily for invading their privacy.

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