Chapter 11

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"Billy, what the fuck are you doing?" I asked, "Trying to get comfortable." he told me, "This blanket isn't big enough for two people." I said, sitting up. "Where you goin'?" Billy asked, still half asleep and slurring his words, "I'm gonna take a shower, then after that we gotta leave because we have a long way to get home." I said, getting my clothes and walking to the bathroom, "Go do that." Billy said while he was stretching. Half an hour, I got out of the shower, another two hours passed by before we actually got on the road. "..Guys" Snuffy said uneasily, "What, Snuffy?" Emily asked, "..I gotta pee." he told us, "Oh my fucking god, Snuffy. We just left and you tell me now that you gotta pee, fuck you." Billy said, finding something for Snuffy to pee in. "I didn't have to go then." Snuffy retorted, "Here, pee in this." Billy told him, giving Snuffy a beer bottle, but keeping his eyes on the road. "Billy, I'm not peeing in a fucking beer bottle, you dickhead." Snuffy protested, rolling down the window and throwing the bottle out, "You gotta go, you gotta go." Emily said, both of us laughing. "If we pass up a Taco Bell or something, go in there." I suggested, "It's already 5am, if we don't get home by noon, I'm beating your ass, Snuffy." Billy jokingly said, still keeping his eyes on the road. "Okay." he said, getting a blanket from the backseat and covering up with it. "Somebody, wake me up when we get there." I said, "Okay." Emily told me, eating a bag of Lays chips. We ended up getting home in 5 hours, since it was really heavy rain and snow, Billy took his time driving. We all walked in the house with our suitcases, and found Heidi and Barbara in the livingroom. "Oh, shit." I whispered to myself, "She's gonna murder you." Emily whispered back, leaning towards me, "Right back at ya, pal." I whispered, trying to not cry. "What're you doin' here, Mom, I thought you were in Wisconsin." Billy said, surprisingly. "Well, I thought I'd pay y'all a visit. See how you're doin'." Heidi said, "Uh." I started, "I, uh, will be in the kitchen." I said, pulling Emily with me. "Do you ladies want a banana split? I make them with homemade ice cream." Snuffy offered Barbara and Heidi. "I'll take one with extra bananas and whipped cream." they both said, "I'll get right on it." Snuffy said, walking in the kitchen, "Dude, you and Emily better tell them you're both pregnant or they're both gonna find out soon." Snuffy said, loud enough for both Barbara and Heidi to hear. "Sh! Shut up!" Emily retorted, "You want me to fucking die, Snuffy?" I rhetorically asked, "I will never see the light of day." I said again. "You still gotta tell them." Snuffy said, beginning to make the banana splits. "You wanna stay here?" Billy asked, "For how long?" shocked that his mom wanted to basically live with us. "Just until I can get settled, I'm gonna move here to be closer with y'all. So is Barbara, and we both need a place to stay." Heidi said, "You guys can't live here. I'm sorry." Billy tried to say as seriously as he could. "And why not?" Barbara interrupted the conversation between him and Heidi. "Because." Billy said, "Because why?" Heidi asked, demanding an answer, "Because I'm a father now." Billy blurted the words out as he told both of them, "Excuse me, you're a what?" Heidi asked, not paying attention to what Billy told her. "I'm a father now, so is Yogurt." He told the both of them, "Oh my god." Barbara said, her mouth wide open. Barbara went into the kitchen, and grabbed Yogurt by the collar of his shirt. "When were y'all gonna tell me y'all were havin' a baby?" Barbara asked with joy in her voice. Yogurt looked up at her, "We were going to when you get settled in." Emily said fearfully. Barbara put Yogurt down and hugged Emily tightly, as she thanked them for her first grand child. Snuffy went in the livingroom where Billy and Heidi were. "Here ya go, ma'am." Snuffy gave Heidi a banana split with extra bananas and whipped cream. "..Should I tell her to run?" Snuffy asked Billy, pointing to the kitchen. Heidi went into the kitchen, and congratulated the both of us. "Damn y'all." she said after, grabbing the closest thing to her which was a paper towel roll. "What the fuck, why're you hitting me with a paper towel roll?" I said, grabbing it from her hands and hitting her back with it. "Fuck all of you, I'm out." I said, throwing the paper towel roll on the floor, leaving the kitchen. Three hours later, it was 10pm, and Billy found me in our room, eating a tub of Breyer's ice cream. He sat down in front of me, "You weren't supposed to tell her yet, I'm not even ready to have them, I will be in 3 months." I told him, eating another spoonful of ice cream. "She was gonna find out sooner or later." Billy pointed out, "Billy. She hit me with a paper towel roll." I said, as he was laughing, "Stop laughing, it's not funny." I said, hitting him hard. "What'd you even say to them earlier?" I asked, eating another scoop of ice cream. "That they had to leave and they weren't listening, and how Yogurt and I are fathers now." Billy said, opening his mouth for a bite of the ice cream. "You're a goof." I told him, putting the spoon full of ice cream in his mouth. "I know." Billy smirked, grabbing for the tub of ice cream and eating the rest of it. He finished whatever was left in there and got up, leaving the room. "He forgot the damn spoon." I muttered to myself, picking the spoon up, getting off the bed and going downstairs to the kitchen. I put the spoon in the sink, and went back upstairs to go to bed. The next morning, I noticed there were people moving in across the street to us, so Emily and I went to introduce ourselves and to see if they needed any help. I knocked on the door once, a couple minutes later, a girl, maybe around 10 answered. "Hi, I'm Emily and this is Krista, we live across the street from you guys, and we just wondered if you all needed help getting around and getting used to the neighborhood." Emily offered, "Hello, nice to meet you." I told the girl. "Do you two live over there with all those guys?" she asked, pointing to our house, and completely ignoring Emily's offer. "Yeah, we do, why?" I asked, "Is any of them single?" she asked us, "Two." Emily said, "They're too old for you though." I said, "Pft, I could say the same thing about Billy." Emily whispered, nudging me, "Does look like I care?" I asked, The girl's mother came to the door, "Uh, we don't need help in the neighborhood, thank you though." The mother said, "Hi, I'm Krista, and this is Emily. Nice to meet you." I told her, "Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Sandi and this is Tori." She said, giving us her hand to shake. We both shook her hand, "Mom! They live with those hot boys over there." Tori pointed from across the street towards our house again, "Oh, yeah? Well I'm sure they're both nice enough to let you hang out with them for an hour while I go to the store and unpack some boxes with your brother." Sandi told Tori, "Can I come to your house, please?" Tori asked Emily, "Sure, c'mon." Emily said, motioning Tori to follow us across the street. When we walked inside with Tori, Barbara was in the livingroom with Billy and Yogurt. "Well, who is this sweet girl?" Barbara asked, getting down to Tori's height, and patting her head gently, "This is Tori, the little girl who moved in across the street with her family." Emily said, looking at Yogurt. He and Billy got up from sitting on the floor, "Hello, nice to meet you, Tori, I'm Yogurt, this is Billy." Yogurt told Tori, "Woah! Even your voice is hot!" Tori complimented Yogurt, while Heidi and Barbara burst out laughing. "It's not all that nice, believe me." he told her. While Yogurt was keeping Tori occupied, Billy asked if I could go talk with him in the kitchen. "What'd you want?" I asked, "When I thought you said you'd go over there and ask them if they needed any help, I didn't think you guys would bring that girl here." Billy said, "C'mon, Billy, be nice. She likes you." I laughed, "Good God." he said, "I'll give you a back rub later if you atleast try and tolerate her." I said, "Hmph, fine." Billy answered, I went back in the livingroom with Billy and sat on his lap on the floor. "So, whaddya like to do for fun?" Yogurt asked Tori, "Oh, I like to play hop-scotch, color, play with my dog, and play games on my computer." Tori answered, "Nice. What kind of dog do you have?" Yogurt asked again, "A husky." Tori said, "That's cool." Yogurt told her, "Uh-huh!" Tori joyfully said. I was on the verge of falling asleep when Tori finally left, so I went to our bedroom, turned on the tv, lowered the volume, and went to sleep.

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