Chapter 4

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It was later on in the night when Emily heard Joey get up and get a moldy, crusty ketchup bottle. "What are you doing up this late?" Emily whispered with curiousity. "It's 2am, it's not late." Joey replied. "Whatcha doin' with that bottle?" she smirked, "Spin the bottle?" Joey thought for a moment before replying. "That's actually a good idea." Joey thought. Emily wrote random truth or dares on a piece of paper then taped them onto the ketchup bottle. Joey woke everyone up rattling pots and pans. "Fuck you want?" Snuffy answered, tiredly. "We're playing spin the bottle. Wake up ya nasties." Emily blasted on some music, and made all of us sit up in criss cross apple sauce position. Joey comes in the room and puts the moldy ketchup bottle on the floor. "Ew, who uses a moldy ketchup bottle to play spin the bottle? Are you two out of your mind?" Snuffy asked, tiredly. "Shut up, Snuffy." Joey answered, shushing Snuffy. "Alright, Billy you spin the bottle first." Emily told Billy. He spinned the bottle, and he got a truth. "Read it out loud." "You expect me to read something at 2am?" "Just. Read. It." Billy picked up the bottle "Did you and Krista fuck yet?" I looked at Billy from across the room. "No." "Do you want to?" Emily chimed in. "I'm not gonna answer that." "Fine." Joey said, meanwhile pouring Billy a shot of the expired whiskey that he found in the fridge as they were setting up the game. Billy took a sip. "Not as good as my mouthwash vodka, I'll tell you that." He downed the shot glass. Joey, Emily and Billy laughed in unison as Yogurt went back down in his basement, Snuffy just laid on the couch, watching the three of them drink and have fun, and as I tried sneaking up the stairs to go back to sleep. They drank until 5am, until they couldn't take anymore. Joey slept on the floor, Emily slept on the kitchen table, and Billy trudged back in the room with me. Billy still out of it from being overly drunk, slouched on the floor. "Billy, you missed the bed." I said, laughing and looking down at him. "Mhmm.. I know." He answered, slurring his words. I helped him off the floor and onto the bed. "Better?" I asked. "Mm." I laughed at him, ruffling his hair and kissing his cheek softly. He pulled me by my shirt. "Billy, it's almost 6am, you've been drinking all night. Not now." He whimpered softly in my ear. I laughed quietly, "Babe, stop not now." Billy quietly nibbled on my ear, before drifting off to sleep. Quickly, I quietly left the room, and woke Emily up. "Why'd you wake me up?" "First of all, you were sleeping on the table. Second. You're responsible for Billy getting drunk. That's on you. All I had to say." I walked back upstairs, seeing Billy on the floor again. "Billy. Get back on the bed." "The floor's comfortable." "I don't care, come back up here." "Hmph." "Don't 'hmph' me, I said come here." "I don't wanna." Billy pouted stubbornly. "Please." I started to cry. He saw me crying, instantly got up and wiped my tears away. "Hah. Made ya come up here." I started laughing quietly. "Yeah, yeah. Can I go back on the floor now?" Billy asked impaitently, kissing me quietly, "Go ahead." I told him, giving him a blanket and kissing him again gently, before letting him go back to sleep on the floor.

Twisted SoldiersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora