Chapter 5

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"What are you doing on the table, Em?" asked a confused Yogurt, raising his left eyebrow. "You. Left. Me. Here. To. Die." she pointed a finger at him, saying tiredly and hungover. "I thought you'd follow me to the basement." Yogurt laughed, "Well I didn't." Joey slouched in. "You too, Joey? Dear Lord." "Not just me, Billy too. I heard he slept on the floor last night because he was too hungover to get up off the floor." Joey laughed hard, pouring a cup of coffee. "How can you drink coffee being hungover the way you are right now?" Yogurt asked Joey, "It perks me up, Yogurt." he playfully hit him. Snuffy woke up, and heard Billy fall down the stairs, Snuffy rubbed his eyes awake, still half asleep, "You okay, Billy?" "Mhm, just fine." "Jesus, Billy. I told you I'd help you." I told him, coming down half of the stairs, helping him back up off the floor. "Pft. Too late for that now." We walked into the kitchen, Snuffy following close by. "You guys are all messed up. Good Lord." I told all of them, besides Snuffy and Yogurt. "I'm goin' back to bed, catch ya later." Snuffy told us, going back to his couch. "Nnnggg.. I wanna sleep." Billy looked down, pouting. "You just woke up, Billy." "Then give me a back rub or somethin'." "Fine, but I'm not sitting on the floor." "Alright then. You can sit on my ass." "That works. Lemme get my lotion." I left the room, and I heard Emily say "Oooh. Get it, Billy." I yelled back at her while going up the stairs. "Shut the fuck up, you're just salty because Yogurt hasn't fucked you yet." She hasn't said anything so I knew she stopped. I came back down and gave Billy two choices: Cotton Blossom or Cucumber Melon. "Uh. Cotton Blossom?" "Go in the livingroom and lay on the floor." Billy did what I said, and I followed, I watched him lay down, and I sat on his ass, lifting his shirt up to put the lotion on him, he twitched from the lotion being so cold. "Sorry." "Damn, that's cold." "Well atleast it woke you up." I laughed at him. "Mm. Keep goin', I'll tell you when to stop." "Okay." I kept rubbing his back and kept putting more lotion on him until he eventually fell asleep, so I stopped, and woke him up. "Billy." I said softly, shaking him gently. "Wake up." "Hm?" "Wake up, babe." "Hmph." "You can sleep upstairs." "I don't wanna." Billy said stubbornly. "You have to, do you want to sleep on a cold hard floor?" "Pft." I followed Billy up the stairs, and made sure he was actually on the bed this time, before leaving. "Please don't leave." Billy said half asleep. "You said you wanted to go to sleep earlier, so i'm letting you sleep like you wanted." "Hmph." "You're tired, baby. Go sleep." I told him. He pouted again. "I'll wake you up in an hour if you're not already up by then, I promise." Billy turned over to his side and pulled the blanket up over his head. "Fine." he mumbled. I left the room and closed the door so he wouldn't be bothered, then went back downstairs to see that Snuffy and Yogurt took a walk earlier and found what looked like a wild coyote. Emily and I both said in unison: "Snuffy, what in the fuck is that?" "A dog." "That isn't a dog, what the fuck." "Yeah it is." Yogurt said, examining the coyote. "If it's not a dog, then what is it?" "I don't know, a wolf, maybe?" "Can we keep it and train it like a dog?" Yogurt asked. "It's not up to me, it's up to Billy, and you can't-" Yogurt cut me off before I could finish and ran up the stairs to ask Billy if we could keep the coyote. "Can we keep him? Please?" Not realizing Billy was asleep, Yogurt woke him up, all jittery and excited. "First of all. Where did you find a coyote? Are you sure it's a coyote? Second. Take it to the animal pound to make sure it's not a dog, and maybe we can keep it." Billy said, aggravated. "Okay." "Close the door, please." Yogurt ignored him, running down the stairs. "What did he say?" Emily asked Yogurt. "Maybe, if we get him registered and to make sure he doesn't belong to anyone and that he's not a dog." "Exciting." I left them in the livingroom, and apologized to Billy for having Yogurt waking him up. "I'm sorry, you can go back to sleep." I said. "Mhm." "You want a hug?" Billy ignored me, so I just hugged him tightly, rubbing his back some more before leaving again so he could go back to sleep faster. I came face to face with Snuffy as I closed the door yet again. "So did he say we can keep him?" "No, Snuffy. He didn't. I apologized because Yogurt woke him up before." "Oh. Well then." he shrugged his shoulders. "Joey, can you take us to the animal shelter, please?" Yogurt asked, impaiently waiting for an answer." "For what, Yogurt?" "To see if we can keep this coyote." "Sure." Joey took Yogurt and Snuffy to a nearby animal shelter in Billy's car and waited until Yogurt and Snuffy went in with the coyote. "Hi. Uh, me and my friend found this coyote while we were taking a walk outside, and wanted to know if it was okay for us to keep him?" Snuffy asked the nurse with curiousity. The nurse took a look at the coyote, and after a long examination, she said they could keep him if they wanted to. "Okay, thanks so much. We appreciate it." Yogurt told the nurse. "Name him Ace." Snuffy suggested. "Oooh. That works." Yogurt agreed. Joey drove back to the house with Ace, Yogurt and Snuffy. "Thank you, Joey." Yogurt said. "You're welcome." I went to wake Billy up again, since he was asleep for two hours now, I opened the door and quietly walked in, jumping on him. He turned onto his back to see who was jumping on him. "They're back from the animal shelter and wanna show you the coyote they found." I told Billy. "Who's they?" He asked confused, raising up an eyebrow. "Yogurt, Joey, and Snuffy." "I'd rather go back to sleep." "But you were sleeping all day, c'mon, I'll go down with you." I took his hands, and led him downstairs. "Holy shit, Yogurt." Billy couldn't believe what he'd seen. "Are you out of your mind?" Billy yelled. "That's a coyote!!" "We know." Joey chimed in. "You told me if we could register him or whatever to make sure he's not a dog, that we could keep him." Yogurt argued. "His name's Ace, and he's very friendly." Billy sat on the floor, trying to bond with Ace, and luckily enough, he liked him, so Billy gave in. "Fine. If you can train him, Yogurt, I'll let you keep him." "Ooooh! Thank you, Billy!" "Mhm." Billy said tiredly, and went back into our room to go to sleep for the ten thousandth time.

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