Chapter 7

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I woke up at 4am, wide awake. "You okay?" Billy sleepily asked, pulling me closer to him. "I'm okay, go back to sleep." I answered him, rubbing my eyes, getting up and leaving the room. "What's wrong?" Billy asked again, starting to follow me. "Nothing's wrong, Billy. I promise." I lied. "Where ya goin'?" "I'm getting water, go to sleep, I'll come back." I walked out of the room, tripping on someone's sock in the hallway. I went in the kitchen, got some water and went back in the room and laid down, trying to sleep. "That was an awful long water break." an envying Billy said. "Wow, Billy, you're really jealous of water?" I asked, raising my eyebrows and laughing at him. "Hm, most likely." he admitted, stretching and yawning. "Shut up." I whispered, turning onto my side. "Make me." Billy smirked. I kissed him once and went to sleep. I woke up again at 5, wide awake. "I'm getting up." I mumbled to myself, I left the room, sat in the dark livingroom, and just started thinking. Billy came out of the room, "Are you okay?" he asked, worried. "I'm just thinking." I answered. "Of what?" Billy sat down next to me, I sat in his lap, lying my head on his shoulder, "..Getting a dog." I answered after a few minutes, looking up at him. "You want a dog?" Billy asked surprised, "Hell yeah, I want a dog. You don't want a dog?" "Taking care of a dog is like taking care of a newborn baby." Billy tried getting out of the idea of getting a dog, "And? You always keep telling me how you always wanted a-" I argued, he cut me off, resting his fingers on my lips before I could finish my sentence. "Yeah, that's different though, having a dog is a commitment." "So is having a baby, Billy." I laughed, "You'd just be getting more practice." I smirked at him. "Is this really what you're worried about?" "..Yes." I answered, looking down. "Look, I'll show you." I got my laptop, and searched up big dog breeds, I showed him different ones: German Sheppards, Golden Retrievers, Cane Corsos, Dobermanns, Tibetan Mastiffs, and Bloodhounds. Billy liked the Cane Corsos and the Bloodhounds, so he looked up a website and on it, they had pictures of past Bloodhound litters and recent litters. He clicked on 'recent litters', and there was pictures of two males and three females. "You're calling their number." I said. "It doesn't mean I'm gonna let you have one." Billy argued, "Please, Billy." I urged, sitting on his lap again, "We could go look at them, if you're serious about wanting one." he suggested, "You're calling that number." I told him again. "I will, give me the phone." I handed him the house phone and he dialed the number. "Hi, is this Megan with the Bloodhound litter?" a lady answered, "Yes, this is her." she sounded nice, "Uh, hi. My name's Billy, and I was wondering if you had any males?" "There's three left." she answered Billy. "How much are they?" he asked, motioning me to get him a pad of paper and a pen. "I usually ask for $400, since they have Champion bloodlines, but there's a runt here that I'm asking for $200." "Okay.. Are you asking for a diposit?" Billy asked the lady, "$150 for the runt." he wrote this down, as she was talking. "Where are you located?" he asked, "I'm in West Orange, New Jersey." "Can I take my girlfriend to go see him?" "Sure, I can meet you guys today, some time between 8 and 9." "That'll work, thank you." Billy said, hanging the phone up. Around 9am, I woke up in our room again, Billy next to me, snoring quietly. I sat up, looking down at him and smiling tiredly, rubbing his back. "What's wrong?" he said, picking his head up. "Nothing, I was just rubbing your back." I stopped, laid back down and turned on the news. "Are you okay?" Billy asked again, turning on his back, "I'm fine." I promised him. "You sure?" he hugged him tightly, not letting go any time soon. "Billy. I said I'm fine 3 times already." I aggravatedly said. "I'm sorry, I'm just worried." "I know you are, it's okay." I said, hugging him back tight, kissing his cheek. "Come on, get up! We gotta meet that breeder, Billy." I urged him, pulling him out of the room, I went down to the basement to see Emily. "Your favorite hoe is here." I joked. Yogurt sat in the corner, reading "The Great Gatsby" "Shut up, I'm reading." Yogurt said, waving his book in the air, Emily was sitting on his bed. "You wanna take a ride with Billy and me?" I asked Emily. "Where to?" "A breeder's house to look at her Bloodhound litter." I answered. "Sure." "We gotta meet her by 9, and it's already 7." I said, taking Emily out of Yogurt's room, and going up the stairs, "Billy, Emily's coming. We'll be in the car." I half-yelled. "Okay, I'll be out in 5 minutes." he said, grabbing a muffin before going out to the car. "I already put the address in your GPS." I told Billy. "Alrighty then, are you two ready?" he asked, looking at me and then looking at Emily in the backseat, both nodding. Billy drove for half an hour before arriving at 8:30. "Hi, are you Billy?" the middle aged woman asked, " That'd be me." he answered, walking up to her and shaking her hand. She motioned for the three of us to follow her inside and showed us the males and the females, and I picked up the male runt, letting him sniff me. "Billy, look at him! How could you not want him?" I made Billy hold the Bloodhound, while talking to the breeder. "Uh, so you said they have Champion bloodlines?" he asked, "Yes, they all do." the lady answered. "Ah, nice." Billy said, looking down at the puppy, half smiling. "Do y'all have a big backyard? Because these are huntin' dogs and they need room to run." Megan asked, "Yeah, I'd say we do." Billy answered, "Alrighty then. Would you like a bag of food for him?" she asked. "Sure." Megan got up and gave Billy a pint size Purina puppy chow bag to take home, and he paid her $200 in full for the dog. We drove an hour and a half back home and found Snuffy missing. "Yogurt! Where's Snuffy?" Emily asked, half yelling down the basement, "What?" Yogurt asked, not hearing Emily clearly, coming up the stairs, ruffling his hair. "Where's Snuffy?" she asked again, "Oh. I don't know." Someone knocked on the door and Billy answered, "Can I help you?" Billy asked politely, looking at a police officer, "Does a Jonathan Bradberry live here?" the police officer asked, "Yes, why?" Billy asked with a confused look on his face, looking at Joey then back at Yogurt. "He spit in my face then called me a 'hoe ass bitch' and told me to 'eat shit' because I wasn't doing my job." She answered. "Oh my god, they have Snuffy." Billy said, looking at us. The police officer brought Snuffy out of her police car and into the house, "Fuck off, lady." Snuffy said, ripping her off. Joey covered Snuffy's mouth with his hand as the officer looked at them, "I'm sorry, he's sick with a very high fever. He doesn't know what's he's saying half the time." Joey made a random excuse and smiled at the police officer. "I'll have you know, next time he does something like this again, I could have him arrested." she warned, leaving the house. A little while later, I went back in my room, sat down on the bed with the new puppy, cuddling him. "What're you doing?" Billy came in the room and sat down. "Bonding with our dog." I said, petting the dog's head. "Pick out a name yet?" he asked me. "No, why?" What about Copper?" "Ooh. I like that." I said,  hugging Billy, "Thank you." I told him, laying my head on his shoulder.

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