Chapter 2

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The next morning, Snuffy woke Billy and I up and asked if he'd want Snuffy to help clean out what the people before us, had left in the attic of the house. "Do whatever you want, but make sure there's no cobwebs or anything like that in there." Billy groggly yawned. "Okay, will do, sir." Snuffy said, carefully tip toeing in-between Ricardo, Hank, Yogurt, Joey, and Emily. I went back to sleep since it was past 3 am, and Billy stayed up watching Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, while watching the movie, he heard Snuffy upstairs sneeze and move things around. Billy paused the movie, and went up to the attic to help see what was left that Snuffy needed help moving. "Do you, uh.. need help Snuffy?" with piles of sweat across his face, "Yeah, grab that tv and move it over by the dresser, but be careful because there's a loose floorboard right where you're about to step." "What?" Billy went to grab the tv, and falls through the attic floor with Snuffy, waking Yogurt, Joey, Hank, Ricardo, Emily, and I up. "What the fuck did you guys do?" Joey protested, laughing and helping them up. "This idiot told me to grab the fucking tv and I did that, but no. THE FLOORBOARD BROKE." I laughed, wiping the dust off Billy. "I told you to watch where you step, William." Snuffy scratched his head, yelling from into the bathroom, knowing Billy hates it when people call him by his real name. "You know damn well I wasn't paying attention." Snuffy ignored him. "Y'all are losin' ya damn minds, quit fighting." Yogurt said, with an attitude, "Before I pound both of your faces in." he shouted. "Oh, good God." Emily muttered quietly. Yogurt stormed out of the house, with Emily quickly following behind him, "Calm down, Yogurt, it's okay." she reassured him. "I can't get a break from them yelling, goddamn." "Honey, it's okay, you're away from them now." After a while, Emily consoled Yogurt, and he proceeded to calm down, after he apologized for his attitude, they both walked back to the house and Yogurt blantly apologized for running off and yelling at Snuffy and Billy. They accepted his apology, resulting into a big hug. Joey got up to go get Billy's car keys and drive to Jennifier's house. "Where do you think you're goin'?" "To Jennifier's." "Okay, don't be gone long." "Okay." Joey leaves, picks Jennifier up, and they go to see a movie and have dinner. "Where is he? He'd already be back here by now." Billy called Joey numerous times, before giving up. Joey came back 5 hours later, wasted and confused. "Where the hell have you been? I've been waiting here for the past 4 hours. Did something happen?" "Nothing happend, Billy, I'm fine." Joey argued back, slurring his words. "Where were you?" "Jen-" "You know what, nevermind, don't answer that, just go to sleep." "Okay." Joey tripped over Emily trying to find a place on the floor to sleep.

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