Chapter Three

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Kengkla watched from afar the two seniors practice for the upcoming football match between the International College faculty and the Engineering faculty.

The captain was sweating and it made Kengkla lick his lips thinking of various things to do once his P'No is his.

He saw the team finished practice and Type and his P'No walking out of the field and to a car and he followed the both of them to the bar he saw them usually go to.

He came in and got a table just a few tables away from the captain and his best friend.

He saw them ordered and he too ordered eyed still watching them chatting happily.

Then he saw Techno swirling the cup in his hand and he knew his P'No was already drunk.

From afar Type saw the kid who kept on stalking Techno excused himself and went to sit with the kid. Kengkla immediately wai to Type and Type raised his hand.

"You are stalking Ai'No aren't you kid?" Type said straightforwardly and Kengkla smirked as he got pour another cup of drink for himself eyes didn't goes away from where his P'No was still drinking smiling drunkenly at thin air

"I am in love with him. For him I stopped being a playing around and want to make him mine"Kengkla said

Type eyed the kid and  said "and how do I have to believe you can take care of Ai'No?"

Kengkla took a bite of the food and said "I am responsible enough not to drink and drive. Look P' this "pointing to the cup in his hand the bottle "isn't alcoholic drink"

Type still doesn't believe Kengkla "So? What else?" Type said crossing his arms

Kengkla smirked and said "I will protect him from jerks like that"point to a group of thugs that sat down at the table.

Both Kengkla and Type got up and rushed to the table pulling Techno out avoiding the thugs who started getting touchy towards Techno.

"Does this convince you yet P? Kengkla ask as he helped Type carry Techno to his car.

"I believe you. You can bring him home. Just don't take advantage of him. He hate your guts right now" Type said and Kengkla nodded

"I'm on it P"Kengkla said. "Tonight I will just bring him home. you can go home P' don't worry P" he said

Type nodded after putting Techno in Kengkla's car and soon watch the car leave the premises.

"I wish you luck kid" Type said as he watch the car disappeared into the night and soon walk to his car.

That night, was just the beginning of Kengkla's plan to win Techno's heart even if he have to get approval from the captain's best friend.

"Even if it takes forever I will do my best P to make you fall for me, that's my promise" Kengkla said as he watch Techno's sleeping figure beside him. He is ready even if he have to ruin his reputation for it.

AN:Hi all. Gosh, suddenly felt inspired to write today. It's not much but it's something. Hope everyone will be patient with me now. It's getting to the interesting part. Bye for now.

Can't Help Falling In Love Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora