Chapter Eight

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Kengkla was frozen for awhile before he realized Techno already was long gone. He tried calling Techno but it was in voicemail.

"P' why are you doing this? Aish" he thought as he stayed in bed long gone after he arrived to his apartment and still attempt on trying to call Techno

"P'No pick up the phone. I need an explanation please P"Kengkla said as he got frustrated as the call goes on to voicemail.

He laid in bed thinking of his P' until he received a call from his family butler Uncle Kong.

"Yes Uncle Kong?" Kengkla ask irritated

"Young master your father he was just been sent to the hospital"Uncle Kong told him

"What? Okay I'll be there" Kengkla said panicked.

He hung up and soon grabbed his phone and wallet and keys soon left to the hospital where he found his mom sitting at the waiting area in front of the operation theatre.

"Mae, what happened to por?" Kengkla as as soon as he sat down beside his mae and hugged her as she saw him sobbing and it was silent for a moment until she calmed down.

"Your por had a heart attack" his mae said and started to cry again.

Kengkla then wondered what cause of it "it's ok mae we just have to pray por will be alright"  Kengkla assuring his mae.

Soon the doctor came out and told them the worst news

"He has fallen into a coma. His heart has weaken. He won't make it by tonight. I'm sorry. Excuse me" the doctor informed them and soon left. Soon after Kengkla's  mae fainted and soon was brought to the emergency area and given an IV.

Kengkla knew his life just changed just that day and will never be the same again. 

Soon Kengkla's por passed away peacefully and a month later he was given a will by the family lawyer.

To my dear son, Kengkla

If anything had happened to me in the future I wish to give you my fortune but with these few conditions:

1.Kengkla must finish his studies outside the country
2.Once he has graduated he must come back to Thailand and take over the company as CEO.
3.he must marry my best friends child and have an heir.

If he doesn't fulfill any one of these he will not get any of my fortune and will be donated to the orphanage in Chiangmai.

Kengkla still thought of what the will said as he laid in bed, his old bed.

He realized he couldn't let his mae stay alone at the mansion. She who grew into a depressive state after the death of her husband.

He sighed and thought of the will and decided he must do what was stated in the will.

Kengkla soon went to the university, filled in the form and soon he left the university.

He sent one last LINE message to Technic

AmazingKla: Nic, promise me you will take care of your brother and make sure no man or woman will get close to him.  I will come back.

and  he wrote one for Type

AmazingKla: P'Type, I am leaving.  Please take care of P'No for me please. I promise when the time is right I will come back to win him back. Thank you for everything P'.

Kengkla applied for a university in the US and soon he received quite a few letter from few of them soon he decided to go to the one in California.

He got the ticket and soon it was time to go. He told Technic that he's leaving and Technic came.

"ai'Kla are you sure this is the right thing to do? Leaving?" Technic ask as he followed alongside Kengkla towards the departure hall entrance.

Kengkla gave his friend a small smile and nodded "it's in my por's will. Even if I rebel it's not going to making it any better. Maybe you brother has a point. About me coming back to my parents house and living a life like they wanted me to. It's alright ai'Nic. I'm okay" Kengkla said as they arrived at the departure hall entrance.

"But I thought you love him...what happened?" Technic ask and Kengkla held both his friends shoulders and told Technic

"He told me to grow up Nic. I get it where it comes from. It's okay. If that's what P'No wants the I will do it. Well here we are. Bye ai'Nic. Take care okay"

Nic just nodded and soon Kengkla went in. Before he could go in he heard a voice from afar calling his name.

He knew the name even with his eyes closed it was his beloved P'No.

"Nong Kla! Wait!!" The voice called out and soon but Kengkla didn't turn around but continue to go in.

He went to the immigration area and made a mistake of looking back and saw Techno crying.

Kengkla's heart broke seeing his P' cry smiled and soon got to his turn and left towards his gate.

He knew it was for the best. He walked with a head held high and waited at the waiting area.

He decided to write a final message to the one person who deserve it.

AmazingKla: Sawadeenkrap P'No. I know when you read this I'm probably on my way to further my studies. I'm sorry for leaving and not telling you. I hope P' will live a good life. Bye P'No. I wish you all the best na. Kla will always be in my heart.

Kengkla sent the message and they had an announcement to board the plane and Kengkla turned off his phone.

He boarded the plane and saw the plane outside the window where he sat and sighed

"Goodbye P'No. Kla will always love you and have you in my heart na" he thought as the plane was moving and ready for take-off.

He will miss Thailand and also miss the people he had found in the university especially the one he love the most. His P'No.

What will happen next? Stay tuned.

AN: Hello my sweeties. I hope all of you had a wonderful day since today is Christmas. I don't celebrate it but I'm gonna wish all of you have a wonderful day. Don't get yourselves drunk. Anywho I hope all of you like this chapter. I know it gets depressing. Well bye for now my sweeties. Till next time

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