Chapter Four

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For the next few weeks Kengkla became more closer to Type and becoming chummy with the captain's best friend and that made Techno confused when it began.

One day during lunch, Techno who had this lingering question in his mind went ahead and ask Type.

"ai'Type,can I ask you a question. When did you and that new transfer student become so close? I never see you so close to him before. Even you told me to stay away from him"Techno ask and Type just laughed

"Oh he was asking about something and turns out we have something in common. So we spend a lot of time together. Why? Are you jealous he is taking away your best friend?" Type ask teasing Techno.

Techno made a face and kicked Type's leg "stop fucking around. I just I don't know. He seem odd becoming so close with you. Are you two up to something?" Techno ask and Type just shrugged

"I don't know what you mean friend. He's a nice guy. Just my advice, give him a chance okay" Type said and continue eating his food.

While Type was finishing his food Techno couldn't help but wonder what his next best friend said "should I give that kid a chance?"

His thoughts were interrupted when the bell rang informing them that the lunch break.

He quickly finished eating almost choking and managed to rush to class.

The rest of the day his thoughts were only on the kid who was always present during his practice watching him from a far distance with a huge smile on his face.

Today was an exception. As soon as he came to the field and went to change he came forward to wai at them and exchange a few words to Type and sat down at the stand watching him.

"That weird kid. What does he want" Techno said as he  passed the ball to Type.

Type watch as Techno's eyes were on Kengkla. He smirked and teased Techno "Interested in the kid Ai'No?"

Techno was confused "Hah? No.. why should I? He seem like a jerk"

Type sighed and said "just try to give him a chance. I know he will  not disappoint you. Trust me"

Techno raised his eyebrows and ask "then how do you know that ai'Type? And why are you defending him? Aren't you my best friend?"

Type just laughed and said "you will know soon my friend. Come on let's continue"

Soon they both finished with the practice and was about to leave the fields when Kengkla approach them wai to both of them

"P'No can I talk to you for a moment" Kengkla said and Techno was flabbergasted just nodded

The both of them walked together till reaching the steps heading to the stands when Kengkla surrounded Techno and approaches closer towards him

Techno automatically close his eyes and it made Kengkla smirking and Techno opened his eyes made them look into each other's eyes and Techno felt his heart beating faster than ever

"Uhmmm nong what are you doing?" Techno ask and Kengkla lips went became a smirk again

"P'No I know you won't like me but I want you to know me. Meet me at xxx restaurant 8PM. See you there P'. Kengkla soon left and it a few minutes later Techno realized he was alone and cursed under his breath

"That kid really get on my nerves" he mumbled gritting his teeth and soon went to where Type was waiting for him.

"Hey friend took you long enough. Where did Kengkla go? What did he say?" Type ask and Techno still dazed at what had happened earlier look at his best friend

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