We're engaged?

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Hey Guys,
So I'm back on my other account and a one shot on this account.
Anyways I think this is going to be my best chapter yet.
I have an amazing idea for this.
Anyways Let's just get into it.


I really hadn't thought what I was getting into once Varun proposed.
It was very quickly that he did it and we didn't find time to process what was going on. We were happy and excited on the day he proposed but after that our parents left and it went back to our normal schedule. We share a room every night when we sleep but other than a good night we don't talk to each other.
I was concerned and so while we were waiting, I decided to talk to Varun.
He was getting ready for his shot and I told him to meet me in my vanity van in 5 minutes.
After 5 minutes he entered.
Once he sat down I started speaking.

Varun, what is going on?I asked hoping he'll know what I was talking about.
" What Alu?" He asked.
" You don't know do you? Varun, work with me here. You remember proposing to me or you've forgotten that?" I asked horrified.
" What are you getting angry for?" He asked me.
" V, I'm in love with you. I seriously love you and will not let go of you." I said.
" Alu, did you come here to tell me that or something else." He asked.
" Are we going to plan something else for later when we get back to Mumbai?" I asked.
" Alu, of course. I have been thinking about our next step after proposal a lot." He said.
" Oof, I'm glad. I thought you had forgotten." I said.
" Alia, I'm the one who remembers. How can I forget?" He reassures me.

Then we heard Abhi telling us to come back on set.
" Varun, Alia where are you guys?" He asked.
" Abhi, we are here. " Varun said opening the curtain.
" You guys have 5 minutes and you have to come to set." Abhi says.
" We'll be right there." I say.
Once he left, I tell Varun.
" I'm sorry I ever doubted you." I tell Varun.
" I'm sorry too." He replied.

After that we kissed, held hands and went back on set.
" Everything is fine? " Abhi asked.
" Oh yeah. We're fine. We're good. We just needed to have a talk." I told our director.
After he called Varun and he had to have his shot.
I was watching him and thinking
Did I really get engaged to that guy? He's beautiful and handsome. I'm so lucky to have him.

After he finished and he came up to me and asked,
" Alu, kaisa laga?" He asked.
" Varun, you don't need to do anything else. Stay the way you are. I love you the way you are." I told him.
We were done for the day and we desperately wanted to get back to the hotel when Abhi told us to stay for a couple more minutes.
" Both of us?" I asked.
" Trust me. Both of you will want to stay." Abhi said.

Then we were sitting on a chair, me obviously sitting on Varun's lap when Abhi called us outside the set.
Once we went, we didn't speak for a while 5 minutes.
It was night but still we could see everything.
Then Shraddha came up to us and Sid had also come and had a beautiful smile.
" Hey Guys, what are you doing here?" Varun asked as shocked as me.
" Well, we heard of your proposal and engagement from Karan." Sid said.
" That man. Oh my god I'm so going to never speak to him again." Varun said angrily.
" Varun, don't be. If we didn't know, we couldn't have planned this." Sid said.

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