Let's do this!

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Hey Guys,
So I'm back on this account and continuing this story. If you don't know and don't remember Varun has proposed and it's been a month since then. Also he has not taken her out on a proper date. But she's not sure because he has already proposed so why  a date?
Anyways Alia is excited so let's get into this chapter.

Alia POV
I was excited. Actually, is excited the word to use. I'm not so sure. Varun  is just crazy. We've been engaged now for a month and a half and this means that he will do anything to take me out on a date.
Anyways he looks excited and he was talking to Arjun and planning everything.
It was 5 in the evening the day the supposed date was supposed to happen and Varun was outside doing something very frantically when I saw him come back in the house.
" Varun,  you do realise I'm not expecting this date to be the best we've gone on, right?"  I questioned him.
" Alia, I have always given it my all  and this is going to be the best one yet." He said clearing all my doubt.
" Ok. As you say." I said.
" Actually I'm  truthfully telling you, you will have fun on this date. Don't worry. Now go change. We have to leave at 6:00."
" Ok." I said.
" I'm leaving." He told me and left.
A/N: Am changing to Varun's POV. Will change back to Alia's later.

Emotions. Emotions was the right word in this case because out of all the days Alia and I have been engaged, today was one of those special days. I told her to go change and get ready because I know she'll take time but I also need to drive up to the proposal location and check if everything is ready. I don't know how I said yes to this place, but I didn't have a better suggestion so I  went with Arjun's idea.
In about 30 minutes, I reached and parked the car and texted Arjun.
V: You reached?
A: Yes, I'm here. Making sure your date with Alia is ready for you.
V: Arjun, I know helping me was a big ask but I didn't have anyone else I could go to for this kind of help.
A: I know yaar, just messing around with you.
V: knew that.
After that, I stuffed my phone back in my pocket and went up to the location.
I saw Arjun, looking and making sure everything was ready.
Once he saw me, he came to me and asked me.
" Toh kaisa laga?" He asked.
" It's beautiful.  Nature also gives that extra feel. " I said looking at him.
After admiring Arjun's handiwork for a couple minutes,I said.
" Arjun, I have to go. Alia will call any second." I said.
" Ok, the food is in a picnic basket.  The table is set and everything is ready so I'm leaving.
" Someone will come to this spot and do something to your handiwork. Just stay here until we come back." I told Arjun.
" Fine. I'll stay here until then but after you are back, I'm leaving." He said.
" Fair enough." I said smiling because I like what has been done.

Then I left and after getting into the car, Alia called me.
A: Varun, where are you?
V: Main a ra hi hoon. Don't worry.
A: Teek hai. I'm waiting.
She disconnected the call and I focused  on driving.
In about 40 minutes after disconnecting the call, I reached and rushed into the house.
" Alu, tum ready ho?" I asked her slowing down.
" Yes, main a ra hi hoon, Varun." She replied and I waited at the door.
Once she came down, she was seriously looking enchanting.
" Wow. Hot lagri hai." I said not realising I'm saying a dialogue.
" Please Varun, yeh film bohot purane hogaye." Alia told me.
" Teek hai, I won't say after this." I said.
" Toh, Chale? " She asked.
For a second I lost my train of thought and when I realized she starting annoying me.
" Varun, why are you stuck? What happened to you?" She asked.
When  I didn't respond because I was still a statue, she said.
" I'm going to the car. Lock the house and bring the key." She said and left.
Only after she left did I realize what happened. My brain finally caught up with me and I locked the house and gave her the key after getting in the car.
" So, hum kaha chale yeh date par?" She asked once I started driving.
" Alia, relax. I am the one who's driving. As for the location about where we are going, 10 minutes  before getting there, I will tie a blindfold and will get you there. Don't worry." I said her hoping she won't ask any more questions.
" Fine. " She said and stayed quiet.
" Alia, you do realise that we can put music on." I asked her.
" Yeah. I think that's a good idea." She said.
" Kalank album?" I asked getting a nod from Alia and watched  her play tabaah ho gaye.
" You like this song?" I asked after it finished playing.
" Yeah. Its one of the most intense songs of the album." She said looking at me.
" I love it." I said.
Then I stopped the car  and out.
" Where are you going? " She asked me.
" What I told you." I told her and she stayed quiet until I tied the blindfold.
Once the blindfold was tied and it was secure and when wasn't complaining, I told her.
" Going to play Ghar more Pardesiya, ok." I said.
" Ok." She relaxed and gave the phone figuring where my hand was.
I took the phone and played the  song.
In about 10 minutes we reached and I saw Arjun  and signalled  for him to leave when Alia said,
" Varun, I know Arjun is here and he doesn't have to go." She commented.
As I held her hand and she grabbed onto my arm so as to not fall, she said,
" This place smells fresh and not like a restaurant." She said and I smiled.
" I'll confirm that for you, we are not in a restaurant." I told her reassuring her.
Then we made our way to the table and I made her sit and took out the blindfold.
Once her vision came back and she was able to see again,

When I sat down on the chair and he had taken the blindfold off  and only after I got my vision  back, I then said,
" Woah! This place is our proposal spot." I said and he smiled.
" Yeah. It is." He said and sat down.
" It's beautiful. Nature gives that extra feel and being with you is also different feels altogether." I said.
" Oh, Alia me too. I feel so different and definitely better when I'm with you." Varun told me.
" So, shall we eat?"  Varun asked me.
" Actually, it's only 7:30. Let's eat at 8:00.Right now is there a mat you have that we could on the floor of this place?" She asked me.
"Give me a second. Let me check." Varun  told me and started looking through the picnic basket that was on the floor.
When  he couldn't find one and told me, I immediately said,
" It hasn't rained in the past couple days so it's fine to sit down like that only. " She said and stood.
I went and grabbed her hand and we walked to  a secluded but  big enough place to sit.
We sat down and I told Varun.
" Do you remember your proposal?" I asked him.
" Not really but I do remember that the  day Ghar more Pardesiya was supposed to come out we said we would come here but I decided against it,I'm not exactly sure why." He told me.
" I remember your specific words were that you don't feel like coming here  but suddenly Arjun gives you the idea and you're all up for it." I  tell him.
" Well, see as that people will recognise us in a restaurant, I thought why not here. Somewhere secluded." He told me.
Then I heard Alia's stomach grumble and I asked her,
" You wanna eat?" Varun asked me.
" Yes but after a while." I told him.
" Alia, it sounds like you're hungry." He told me.
" Varun, I'm not believe me." I told him.
" Ok." He said dropping the subject.

Just then her stomach made a huge noise again  and she got up.
" Pull me up." Varun told me.
" Ok." I said.
" I held his hand and he pulled me back down.
" Varun, what are you doing?" I asked him.
" Kissing you." He replied closing the gap.
" Here, in the open." I asked nervously.
" Alia, don't worry. No media or anyone will come here. The only person who knows about this place other than us is Arjun and he left long ago." He told me.
" Still Varun. We can  go home and make out or have sex. Not here." I tried explaining.
" Fine." He said and let me get up.
" Thank you for understanding."I told him.
" No problem. Toh shall we eat?" He asked me finally.
"Yes, please. Let's. I'm hungry."I said looking at the guy in front of me.
He very sweetly led me to the table and helped me sit and pushed the chair in before sitting himself.
He brought out every thing and it was an incredible spread.
" Wow, so many things." I commented.
" Yeah. Its actually Arjun. You  should thank him not me." He told me.
" Varun, you were the one who promised the date and you made it happen even though we are engaged already which is commendable."  I congratulated him.
" Alia, anything for my lovely." He said looking at me.
" Oh! So sweet." I said.
"I'm not sweet. I'm anything but sweet, Alu." He told me and I smiled.
" Toh anything special planned after this."I asked him.
" Not really, but we can do something if you want?" He told me
" No, actually  it's okay. We can go home after eating and continue our date." I suggested.
" Yeah. That's a good idea." He replied.
" Of   the privacy of our home." I said.

30 minutes later we were done eating and in about 40 minutes after that, we reached home and the rest of the night was incredible.

Hey Guys on Wattpad,
So have been sort of busy so couldn't post this earlier.
Anyways now I'm done with it so it's getting published.
Also who's excited for #kalank?
Zafar and Roop are brilliant on screen and off.
Meaning Varun and Alia, obviously.
Ok I guess see you guys next Sunday on this account.
Signing off

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