Chapter 93: Spending Them Doki Dollars

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" What an exceptional Mew from such a young Kithun," Professor Romain said as he smiled.

" Have you found your Avatar yet? " Romain said making me continue to stand.

" I did, I haven't mastered it yet, however," I said politely in response.

" Are you trying to summon its full form?" Romain said with an eyebrow raised.

" Full form?!" I replied.

" Right, I have gotten ahead of myself, please take a seat this may be useful for you then!" Romain said and gestured me to sit.

[ I hate talking in class! ]

" How many of you have a spirit beast already, raise your hand!" Romain said enthusiastically.

Nathan and I looked around to see no one else except me had gotten one yet.

" Good, Good and your avatar? Anyone found it yet?" Romain asked again.

I looked around to see no one except Nathan had put up their hand.

" You have an avatar?!" I said quietly.

" Of course!" Nathan said back and blushed.

" Who doesn't know what I mean when I say Spirit Beast Contract and Spirit Avatar?" Romain said raising is head up.

No one put up their hand.

" Come now don't be shy... This will be on the test!" Romain said before laughing.

I watched as most of the classed seemed to raise their hand.

" Those numbers look better," Romain said nodding.

" Your avatar is the essence of your magic and personality manifested into a spiritual beast. People who tend to be feisty will have vicious avatars used to boost attack, while people who are more peaceful tend to have support based avatars. This is not a solid rule however it is just something that I have noticed" Romain said before he took a sip of liquid from a cup on his desk.

He stood up from his spot on his desk before walking to the centre of the room and a red smoke surrounded him.

" This is what you want to aim for first. Form one Spirit Avatar. It doesn't look like much but it allows you to cast more spells in a row. This being said it does use more magic then regular casting so be careful. The mistake that most people make who have found their avatar is" Romain said as he cut himself off and closed his eyes.

A bright red falcon formed from the fog looking so real that I couldn't believe it was an avatar made of magic. Everyone in the room including myself was shocked.

" Trying to fully form the beast that they connected within their soul scapes. This takes the most magic and a lot of practice, do not even think about achieving something like this until your final year" Romain said as the falcon vanished.

[ So this was my mistake! ]

As I jotted down notes I heard the sketching on many quills move to a fro in the room. It looked like this class was going to be very insightful. Just as I finished I heard the teacher clear his throat and I looked up.

I watched as a small furry spirit beast waddled in. It had four massive front teeth and five massive claws on its hands. It peacefully wandered up to Professor Romain before sitting at his feet.

" Wow, a real spirit beast!" I heard one of the students say.

The room broke out in whispers as the teacher bent down to pat the spirit beast.

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