Chapter 5

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hmmm I'm gonna have some fun with him Kirishima sat up he had taken his shirt off in his sleep Bakugo took notice a started staring mouth watering slightly when Kirishima started stretching making his muscles move a with under his skin smirking when he saw Bakugo staring he put his arms down and stood up and said innocently.

"Do you mind if I live here so I don't have to deal with Kaminari?"

"S-sure" Bakugo cleared his throat "sure shitty hair"

"Yay Thanks Bakubro"

Bakugo pov
Shitty hair is killing me it's been 3 days since I said he could live with me and I swear he is teasing me on purpose. He is constantly either shirtless or wearing only boxers and one of my hoodies that are bigger then he is which makes it look like he isn't wearing anything else underneath. which don't get me wrong is sexy as all hell but he can't keep doing that it's taking a lot of self-control not to pounce on him. So I went home really fast to visit and calm down and get more blood because I swear I've gotten more nose bleeds in the past three days than I've had in my entire life.

No pov
Bakugo walked up to his door and walked right in slamming the door behind him.

"WHO THE FUCK IS THERE?" yelled Mitsuki


"Oh hey brat" Mitsuki said walking in holding a bat.



"Well I'm not so put the bat down and help meeeeee"

"What do you need"


"Did you kill someone and need help hiding the body?"


"Girl wait your gay sooo boy? Are you having boy problems Bakugo" she said teasingly




"Come here" she said patting the couch bakugo sat next to her "go on start with who it is"

"His name is Kirishima"

"Wait isn't that your best friend?"


"I see so what's the problem other than your in love with your bestie"


"Am I wrong?" Bakugo stayed silent "right anyways what's wrong" so Bakugo told his mom she just nodded and listened. when he said that Kiris ex cheated on him and how he is now living with Bakugo and what he did when he found Kiri asleep with tear tracks down his face and how he teases by walking around in an oversized sweater that are Bakugos when he was done Mitsuki sat for a minute then said

"You said you said something while he was asleep right" Bakugo nodded "are you positive he was asleep?" Bakugo started to nod then thought about it Kiri woke up not two minutes after he said that and was awake and bubbly, normally he is a rock and is a rock until he has moved around a bit oH FUCK SHITTY HAIR WAS AWAKE AND HERD ME SHIIIT Bakugo stood up quickly after shooting his mom a quick thanks he ran back to the dorms when he got there he ran into the kitchen where Todoroki was leaning on the counter.

"Where's Kirishima?" He asked quickly

"Why what's wrong?"

"Nothing I just need to talk to him it's important" Todoroki smirked "shut the hell up half n half and fucking tell me if you know where he is"

"Fine since you asked so nicely he is where he always is nowadays in your room"

Bakugo made a beeline for his door well as much of a beeline as you could get from the bottom floor to the top why the hell am I at the fucking top ohmyfuckinggod when he made it upstairs he ran to his room and opened the door Kirishima was leaning against the wall by the bathroom.
Kirishima pov
"Hey bakubro get everything you needed" Bakugo walked up to him with a blank stare "Bakugo?" Nothing Bakugo went closer if he moved even a little there noses would touch wtf wtf wtf wtf W T F "K-Katsuki?" Bakugo leaned forward and...

Ha ha ha ha bitches cliffhanger

709 words

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