Chapter 8

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Okay so thank you so much to pidgeon14 I needed ideas I was gonna stab myself (not literally) if I couldn't come up with ideas they helped me so much thanks to them 😁😁😁 warning abuse beatings shit like that
Kirishima pov
Me and Kat were laying in bed he was peacefully asleep chin on my head as I was buried into his chest as I was about to drift off I got a text message after I carefully wiggled my arm out from under my boyfriend I grabbed my phone and read two text one from my mom and one from my dad.

My parents had split up when I was little my mom eventually found someone who might I add is also a woman yep my moms part of the LGBTQ+ community like mother like son anyways. my dad, on the other hand, hasn't found another yet and is extremely homophobic because mom left him for another woman anyways the messages.

Honey, I miss you bunches come over for the day later to hang out Lily will be out for the day so it will be just us two

I immediately answered.

I'd love to mama but is it okay if I bring someone? I want you to meet them

*le gasp* has my beloved son FINALLY gotten a better partner than that Pikachu lookin guy.

🤣🤣🤣 yes, mother, I did I'll tell you what happened when I get there. Pikachu lookin- mom I love you.

Love you to sweetie see you then
Read 8:00 am

I sigh now for my dad's messages.

Son, I want you to come home later we need to talk we haven't in a while

I sighed again and responded.

Oh uh sorry dad can it wait until tomorrow or later in the evening mom just asked me the same thing and I already agreed

Whatever I'll pick you up from your mothers at 7:00 no later got it

My eyes widened in a panic if my dad picked me up RIGHT after my moms the Kat will be there too and my dad will beat me again I don't need another scar like the one on my eye. (an just go with it)

Okay sounds good

Okay okay okay breath Kirishima breath. that didn't work I began to hyperventilate thinking of all the past beatings I've gotten from him.

Kiri POV
I walked home from a long day at school dreading going home. (an he's in middle school) why you ask well today to kids were fighting and I attempted to pull them apart but it looked like I was fighting too. so they called my dad to report it as I walked up to the steps to the front door I took a deep breath and went in I carefully closed the door when suddenly someone grabbed the collar of my shirt and roughly pulled me back and into the air I hardened my body on instinct.

"Boy, you five seconds to disable that quirk before I throw you off the roof" my father snarled in my ear I instantly deactivated my quirk and was immediately hit with a punch to the face I yelped in surprise and pain. my dad then drop kicked me to the other side of our living room and snapped "make any FUCKING noise and I'll rip out those vocal cords of yours" I nodded and felt a foot to the side knocking the wind out of me and pushing me into a corner. as I tried to catch my breath as quietly as possible I heard footsteps approaching me and saw my dad with a metal thing in his hand A KNIFE. he swung at me with the knife and sliced part of my arm I whimpered he grabbed me by the hair yanked me upheld the knife to my throat.

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