Chapter 9

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I looked at Kat nervously he grabbed my hand kissed me and stood we grabbed our things and went to the door I let go of Kats' hand and opened the door

"H-hey dad"
Kirishima POV

The door revealed a tall man with black hair and greens eyes his teeth were normal, he was wearing a suit, he looked like any quirkless person would in this era. I glanced at Kat in the corner of my eye he had an expressionless face and was eyeing my dad

"Ahh here's the asshole who's come to take my child" my mom called out from on the couch Lisanna giggled

"Ahh there's the freak who fucks a girl" he snarled in response

"Still a homophobic dumbass huh?"

"it's absolutely disgusting"

"Your one to talk," my mom said dad snarled then looked at Lisanna he never got visitation time with her because he wasn't trusted with young girls for reasons unspoken

"Hey Lisanna how are you can you give your old man a hug?"


"Now now don't be mean" he scolded her lightly

"FUCK YOU" Lisanna screamed my mom bursted out laughing Kat was chuckling I had to hide my laughter

"WHY YOU LITTLE-" he stepped forward my mom launched up from her spot Kat got in his defensive position in front of her

"Take one more FUCKING step towards her and I'm calling the police" she growled lowly my dad backed away Kat stood straight again and came next to me that's when my dad finally noticed him

"Ejiro who the fuck is that"

"A-ahh-he's my bo-best friend"

"Hmm whatever let's go brat"

I shuffled forward Kat behind me I felt the warmth of his hand squeeze mine before quickly pulling away my hand instantly feeling cold I wanted him to grab my hand again I wanted to run back to my mom to curl up with her and Lilly and Kat and Lisanna and talk about there engagement and catch up and feel safe but no I have to be manly and face my father he can't hurt me now I've grown and he's quirkless so he's not that bad of a threat right?

We sat down in his car buckling as he pulls out of the driveway to his house the quiet of the radio being the only noise other than the quiet hum of the engine we pulled onto a highway and drove and drove for 2 1/2 hours till we reached his apartment he pulled into his assigned parking space and we got out of the now shut off car and made our way upstairs Kat close behind me when we reached the top floor my dad opened the door

Inside there wasn't much just the ceiling light a couch and a tv but the light only lit up one tiny area everywhere else was covered in shadows I couldn't see down the hallway that I assumed went to his room and the bathroom I carefully went to the couch and sat down Kat right next to me my dad sat across from us in a dinner chair he grabbed from the other room

"So Ejiro have a girlfriend yet"

"N-no not yet"

"What about that pink girl that was at your birthday she was cute"

"Mina? Oh no she's like the mom in our group that would be too weird"

"Whatever you" he motioned to Kat "what about you what's your name"

"Bakugo Katsuki"

"Nice name"


The silence returned my dad then asked if we were hungry and asked if we wanted some pork chops Kat said yes please I didn't say anything just nodded when he walked away to the kitchen Kat twisted towards me probably sensing my distress he cupped my face softly and rested his forehead on mine

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